


4 months, 3 days ago


Kit Name: Heatherkit

Apprentice Name: Heatherpaw

Warrior Name: Heatherfur

Rank: Warrior

Status: Deceased

Cause of Death: Struck and killed by a monster

Former Clan: Moorclan

Family: Birchstripe, Timberstrike (son), Roserunner (daughter),  Birdsong (mother in law) 

A very anxious and non confrontational she cat. Heatherkit was raise as an only child after both of her siblings died before they were a moon old. After losing two of her kits Heatherkit's mother was a bit overprotective of her and her constant worries and fears for her kit were passed onto Heatherkit. 

After becoming an apprentice Heatherpaw was often teased by a few of the older apprentices for her skittishness. Birchpaw was the only apprentice that ever stood up for her and Heatherpaw adored him for it. Heatherpaw had pretty much fallen head over heels for Birchpaw after the first time he stuck up for her but Birchpaw was oblivious. 

After they had both earned their warrior names Heatherfur and Birchstripe did eventually end up becoming mates. Not long after Heatherfur found out she was expecting kits and was absolutely overjoyed. Birchstripe seemed less excited but at the time Heatherfur chalked it up to him just being nervous. 

Once Timberkit and Rosekit were born Heatherfur fell in love right away. Birchstripe on the other hand, couldn't really care less. He visited from time to time but he didn't seem to want much to do with his kits, something that broke Heatherfur's heart. As they grew older Timberkit and Rosekit began asking questions about their father, why he didn't visit more, and if they had done something to upset him. Heatherfur tried her best to convince the kits that their father did love and that he was just busy with warrior duties but as time went on Heatherfur began to doubt her own words more and more. 

By the time Timberpaw and Rosepaw had become apprentices Timberstrike had grown resentful towards Birchstripe and while Rosepaw seemed to still be clinging to the fragile hope that her father loved her her doubt was growing by the day. Heatherfur tried to get Birchstripe to see what his behavior towards his children was causing but Birchstripe thought things were best the way they were.

When Timberstrike and Roserunner received their warrior names even Roserunner had given up on Birchstripe and Heatherpaw was left playing mediator between a more and more resentful Timberstrike and an oblivious Birchstripe. 

Shortly after her kits became warriors Heatherfur was involved in a border skirmish that led to her and two other cat fleeing across a thunderpath. Heatherfur and the cat behind her were struck by a monster that appeared out of nowhere while the cat that had been in the lead narrowly avoided it. By the time the other half of the patrol arrived Heatherfur and the other cat were already dead. Birchstripe had also been to be a part of the patrol and he was the one to carry Heatherfur's body back to the Moorclan camp.

Upon the patrol's arrival news spread quickly of the two deaths. Someone went and got Timberstrike and Roserunner right away once one of the cats was revealed to be Heatherfur. Timberstrike was furious when he saw Birchstripe carrying his mother's body. After Birchstripe laid Heathfur's body down in the center of the camp Timberstrike flew at his father, demanding to know what had happened and why he had let Heatherfur die. Roserunner on the other hand was grief stricken and broke down into sobs next to her mother's body. 

Heatherfur spent the rest of her children's lives watching over them from Starclan. She witnessed Timberstrike's grief over Sanddune's death, and watched alongside Sanddune with horror as Timberstrike tried to tear apart the Forestclan camp as revenge. She watched Roserunner break down and run away from Moorclan and saw her learn to love and trust again in Stormclan. 

When Timberstrike died Heatherfur knew in her heart where he would be sent but that didn't stop her from sitting with Sanddune at the entrance to Starclan after Timberstrike's death, waiting to see if maybe she had been wrong. When Timberstrike never appeared it was Heatherfur that comforted a sobbing Sanddune even as her own heart was breaking. 

While she never quite recovered from the pain of watching her son lose his mind in grief and revenge Heatherfur did find some comfort in watching Roserunner begin to thrive in Stormclan. She was overjoyed when Roserunner and Hawk became mates and hopes to be able to meet her grandchildren sometimes in the (hopefully very distant) future. 


- Loved flowers, when they were younger Birchstripe used to give them to Heatherfur as presents. Once Timberkit and Rosekit were old enough to leave the nursery they began bringing Heatherfur any flowers they managed to find, a tradition that continued even after they became warriors.