


5 years, 8 months ago



Name Mirabelle
Species Toxic Goo
Age Unknown
Gender Female
Height 161cm | 5'3
Orientation Lesbian

"You get what you deserve."

[ personality tba ]


  • mint candy
  • milkshakes
  • girls
  • the fear in the eyes of her victims
  • ice cream
  • pastel goth aesthetic


  • spicy food
  • men
  • tight clothing
  • can't kiss girls without them dying
  • men
  • men

[ trivia tba ]


Mirabelle is the result of an experiment gone wrong.

The Facility

She was "born" in a secret research facility, brought to life by a team of scientists working on a project they called "Miracle". The goal was to create a fully functioning living being with no more than a small piece of tissue as their starting base - a Miracle. They failed to get anywhere for ages until one day they finally made progress. Their subject was growing and developing, but as overjoyed as the team was at this improvement, it didn't last long. The state of their Miracle quickly deteriorated and thus the team gave up and deemed it another failed attempt to be thrown away like all the others.

Little did the scientists know however, it hadn't actually failed completely yet.

The subject was discarded into the waste tank where they unloaded all the biological and toxic waste they produced with their experiments. The Miracle started to flourish in this environment, absorbing the toxins, fusing with the gooey remains of other failed attempts to grow in size and strength. Weeks and months passed and, entirely unbeknownst to the researchers, the Miracle continued feeding on all that was thrown into the tank, evolving more and more with each passing day. Along the way, the Miracle had become sentient and listened to the team talk whenever they were close to it. Eventually learning to understand their words, the Miracle was furious - the way they talked about what they did and how they referred to the Miracle as a failure and the content of the waste tank as utterly disgusting. It made it feel its first real, powerful, raging emotion. After residing in its tank for so long, the Miracle now had a goal: Destroy the scientists.

Waiting to grow stronger for just a little while longer, the Miracle's hatred increased with every passing day. It learned that the "men", as they called themselves, not only talked awfully about itself but others as well. Especially these "women", "girls", and whatever else they called them, seemed to be treated in disgusting ways by the "men". The Miracle was angry, but in a way it also sympathized with the other victims of these "men". More than ever it wanted to tear them apart.

The next time that the team dumped another failed subject into the tank, the Miracle struck. It stopped the scientists from locking it in again, abruptly bursting out of the tank and starting a ruthless attack against the team, sparing no life in the process. The facility was left behind covered in gore and with a distinct trail of goo through the halls, as the Miracle escaped.

A New Life

Taking shelter in the sewers of the city, the Miracle began to live. It watched the humans' daily lives and their society and learned who these "men" and "women" were outside of the facility. It came to the conclusion that while there were some men that were alright, the majority of them seemed to share the awful views of its creators. Women on the other hand, it grew utterly fond of. Practicing with shifting its form, the Miracle modeled itself into a humanoid shape based on all the girls it saw every day. It - no, she wanted to be like them. After catching the conversation of two students practicing their french vocabulary, she even finally gave herself a name: Mirabelle, the miracle.

Mirabelle started to try and make herself look fully human, even if just for a little while, to mingle with people. She greatly enjoyed the company of other girls and tried all kinds of human activities and foods. Things were going great. The one thing continuing to make her feel seething rage on a daily basis were the gross men everywhere. She wanted them gone. So, she thought, why not take matters into her own hands?

Ever since, Mirabelle has been routinely slaughtering men she deems too rotten to live. Pretending to be a lost girl, seducing them, whatever it takes, she lures them into thinking they have power over her only to flip the switch on them once they're especially vulnerable. The toxins in her body are fatal to anyone who ingests them in even the smallest dose, spreading through one's body and shutting down organs one by one. She waits for her victims to realize that something is terribly wrong when Mirabelle drops her act and forces them to suffer through the effects of the poisoning until they lose consciousness and she can enjoy a fresh meal.



Hilda [ ? ]

[ tba ]


Dai-Yating [ ? ]

[ tba ]


Meia [ ? ]

[ tba ]

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