Would you take 8 USD for number 4?

$10 for Lefou? I can add on art if needed!

raising my offer to $25

RAHHH I could def accept this omg! If you could send the money to [email protected] on PayPal I will send them over :3

sent! <3

I'll like to offer $40 dollars for Gaston 

HELLLOOO??? THIS IS SUHC A GENEROUS OFFER 😭 if u could pay with PayPal id def be willing to accept this! My paypal is [email protected] :3

Ofc! Sending the money over asap! :]



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Ahhb unfortunately I accepted off3rs on those two! I have been rlly busy so I haven't had the chance to update it:( I thank you so sp much for your interest though!

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Yeas!! Those two are still open for sure!

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I could take the 15$ for lock if you'd be willing! My paypal email is [email protected]

1 Replies

I can offer art for 1 a/o 9...

I'm gonna think about offering money but for now im opting for art

I can offer some art and customs for mother knows best? :0 

Perhaps $8 too 🧍🏼‍♂️

I CAN TAKE tha art for her the fees u were talking abt sounded like a nightmare 😭 would u be down to do a custom?

Yes I absolutely would 😱

You can tell me the details here or I'm good with discord

I can offer 2 shaded chibis for Shiny! 

I'll give you $10 and a trade or bust skecth clean for Poor unfortunate souls! <3

I would be down to accept the 10$ + art! Are you able to pay through paypal?


I'm not entirely sure who I want the art of yet - but i can get back to you on that in a day or two fs! For the money my paypal gmail is [email protected] :3 

No worries!! in any case it's paid <3

SLAMS FISTS ON TABLE???? These are adorable omg… 15$ USD for 10 or 12? My preference is 10 because of how lovely they are… or maybe even any two fellas in this folder or it’s sub folders?

I actually accepted an offer on 10 which I need to update on the post - I would be more than willing to take that for number 12 tho!

Oh epic! Glad they are going to a good home! As for 12, I can pay when I’m done with work today! So roughly around 2pm CST if your info is sent I can send a payment! ^^

Alrighty! I can only take paypal so as long as you can use that all sounds good to me and there's no rush! My paypal email is [email protected] 

Epic! Payment sent!

would anyone in my th interest you for 16 ? :0

tentive on anyone in sonas folder

Omg I can do coloured sketches for 11 and 4 

ugh they’re all so gorg 😫<333

anyone in my th for 4, 8 or 11?? super adorable adopt i can’t,,,

(villain songs are better than protagonist songs imo)

Offering a trade for poor unfortunate souls!! Only sonas, humanoids and rp ocs are off limits

Offering 30$ for Perfect isn’t Easy <333

Edit: I can also offer customs 🙏🙏

If you r able to pay through PayPal ID be more than willing to accept this!

I can pay through PayPal !! Just let me know when :00

Awesomes! My paypal email is [email protected] ! Just lmk when you've sent it and I'll send tha gal over!

Sent !!

I can offer 15 each for lock shock and barrel!!

Would u only wanna buy them together as a set of 3... I am just curious bc there's another one I have for barrel I'm interested in but also... money... so I must ponder 

Wait omg I just remembered you don't take cashapp //3 I could actually probably get a voucher tomorrow for 45 if you're interested in my usd offer!

Or I can offer separate customs for each, or characters from my sales alternatively!

Offering for 9, 10, 13, or 15!

Mostly wanting 13 though because oogie boogie has my heart!

I can offer anyone in my th! Or two customs + possibly a fullbody and halfbody.

RAHHHH I would take Raccoon + opposum for 13 if u would be interested... if not tho I could ponder on tha art

I could definitely do racoon and opossum for 13!

Stares... I'd be down to do that fs then! I'll send tha guy over rn

TYSM! The two guys should be pending now!

AAA I sadly cannot transfer money but I have art and characters !! Possibly for mother knows best !!, if not maybe Prince Ali !!! I’m actually obsessed with all of them AAA everything’s on my th profile feel free to look !!!

EDIT- I also have a silly froggers oc if ur interested in their designs ! For art I could offer, 3 full body’s and 2 headshots ? (I’m fr out to get one of these HELP)

Offering 2 customs or 2 shaded fbs for Oggie boogie, Be Prepared, or Poor unfortunate souls ‼️‼️

I can offer a custom and an shaded icon and also anyone in my th outside sonas, oc worlds, other fandoms and worlds with friends for 10!👀💖

Stares... I would be so down to accept this I always love ur art 🙏 I also am a big big fan of the cigar cat but if u are attached I'm good w just tha art

I might need to decide on cigar cat but I can definitely do the art! Just seeing this now lmao

No worries !! I need some time 2 think on what I'd want so I will shoot u a dm on discord once I've got the info... I can mark tha guy as pending tho 🥰

I'd like to offer 25$ and anyone in my TH for '"my lullaby" and "be prepared" ! or just "my lullaby"

Would definitely be more than willing to take this for my lullaby as long as you're able to pay through PayPal! 

Thanks! i was wondering if i could just offer 23$ instead as i plan on saving the 2$ and i can pay through paypal!

That works for me for sure! My paypal gmail is [email protected] :3 once you've sent it lmk n I'll transfer them over!

Sent! could you make the separate  Profiles?

$20 for silly number 14 the Georgette kitty... and 2 headshots..

Would like to change this to $15 + 2 headshots for 9/the poor unfortunately souls kitty or for 12 :D

RAHHH 😭 need to update it but 12 is sold + waiting on a reply for number 9 💔💔 thank u so so much for ur interest I apologize 

HELP IT'S OKAY!! Is prince ali still open... can swap it to them if they are :3

YASS they are and I'd def be willing to accept that! My paypal is [email protected] :3

sent! and i dmed you on discord!


i can do 700 DA pts and 2 chibis for either 

1, 8 or 14 :)))))

slapping down 1k points and a trade (still offering up the froggers fella if ur interested) for perfect isn’t easy <3 

EDIT !! can also do customs <3