Ava Valentine



4 months, 12 hours ago


Name:  Ava Valentine

Age: 30
Gender: Female
Sexuality: lesbian
Species: Elf
Personality: Cocky, risk taker, frill seeker. A very confident lady who always likes to get her own way
Height: 5'5 

Class:  Ranger (monster hunter) /wizard


Ava has had a very easy up bringing. Raised in a rich family and has always been handed everything shes wanted however they have never been a fan of her tomboy behavior. Raised with 3 older brothers shes always tried to match or be better then them at everything. If they learned something she had to too and so on. Her competitive nature is what lead her to become so well trained with a gun, a far better hunter then her brothers. For the most part her family doesnt mind where she goes and what she does as long as it doesn't reflect badly on them. They know of her relationship with frost but thing its a "phase" she'll grow out of one day. Neither of frost and Ava's family's are aware they are married other then Edwin who was the only family member present when they eloped. 

Ava currently holds one of the family's magic weapons, Valentine's double, a gun that makes copies of the bullet in the gun at the time. 

family names- Valentine


Frost~(Tabaxi) - Wife 

Edwin (Tiefling)- brother in law


  • Only Edwin, Ava's befriend (Alice) and Frosts nanny growing up(still unnamed) know about their marriage, the nanny was the one to marry them. 
  • Both Ava and frost wear red gems on their necks either in their amour or as a choker/neckless. It's their way of showing they are together without making it too easy to notice
  • Yes Edwin has tried to steal her gun about 5 times .......he has never managed to and has been punched every time
  • Ava knows of issac since he has become a huge problem for hunters however she does not know his ties to Edwin
  • She carries 3 types of bullets (silver, gold and blue which is holy) She has 3-4 of each incase the gun messes up and doesn't copy them
  • Gloves are silver lased to pin point werewolves (she mostly gets tasked to hunt down were creatures) 
  • Most targets she is paid to hunt down but now and then Frost drags her into killing monsters "to help people" ugh 
  • Meet Frost while tracking down a "werecat" that just happened to be her. She got her a sorry drink after.
  • looks good and she knows it. Is some how a really good dancer