what would u want on the open one!!

i can do a custom or anyone outside of primary ^_^d

would love to offer for the open one :O

bit tent but sure !

cool! you can look through my market folder, or i can offer art/a. custom

didn’t see anyone i was interested in :( might be willing to go for a fullbody or a custom, whichever you’d prefer to do!

bump incase you didnt see this ^^


uhmm :3 what r u lf on vioet madk 

prolly anything mentioned :3 specifically art of prism or sd-p(epper) tho.  ,,, or gleepster

Omsid love to do a full bod of prism fr

omg hes.. yippee yippee

dp u need me to send unwatermarked ref?

Yes please :333

Ooh they’re so cute! I’d offer, but I’m kinda stocked up on oweds