


26 days, 3 hours ago


Amada Ermengild
"Gaslighting and belittling are my passion so get used to it"


April 11th


5'9 | 175.26cm

Gender | Pronouns
Male | He/him

140lbs | 63.5kg



Short shiny silver

Vibrant gold

Advanced Art, Home Economics

Home Economics Club

Relationship Status
Not interested


Mun Info

  • ALIAS: Kem
  • DISCORD: @hoeneul
  • SOCIAL MEDIA: Kimmimaree99 on most platforms
  • RP PREFERENCE: Chill headcanons, in depth rps, really anything I'm comfortable with

  • Interior design
  • Gaslighting
  • Art & Design
  • Sheep
  • Fluffy things

  • Being told what to do
  • Ugly things (everyone else)
  • Hot weather
  • Dogs (filthy)
  • Cats (will hiss back)

  • His full name means beloved treasure.
  • When he was younger, a lot of his classmates mistook him for a girl and thought his name was Amanda.
  • Despite his prickly personality, Amada adores sheep and has unlimited knowledge about them. Sometimes in extremely awkward situations he'll start explaining different facts about sheep.
  • Once he graduates, he aims to become an interior designer known around the world.
  • Judjing you constantly and not sorry about it.

  • My main goal for Amada is for him to get better at socializing with those he considers "below him".
  • Smaller goals I consider for Amada include gaining a bit of a softer edge to his personality and being more independent from his parents. I love him but he's a spoiled boy that needs to know how to stand on his own especially with his future business ventures.
  • Amada's current goal is trying to keep his cool and not get kicked out of another school.
  • Long term goal he aims to become an interior designer, however, he knows he needs to get better at his sociaol skills in order to gain clients and keep them happy.

+ | Dignified | Creative | Hardworking |

~ | Ambitious | Deceptive | Outspoken |

- | Blunt | Devious | Impatient |

  • Having well-known parents, Amada learned to take care of his appearance and his behavior during public events. His dignified manner made him seem more mature than other children his age. Being well off, he did dabble in a variety of subjects and hobbies, making him more of a creative thinker. Despite the amount of opportunities he received due to his parents, Amada didn't take advantage of the opportunities and would work his butt off. Although his ambitious nature made him extremely disliked by his previous classmates, they didn't like how bold he was and how willing he was to trample others to get what he wants. In achieving what he wants, Amada is also willing to resort to deceptive measures if necessary. Typically you can tell from a glance whether or not if Amada deems you worthy enough to use those measures of deception. He makes it well known with his bluntness and outspokeness on if he deems you worthy of his time. Majority of the time he doesn't feel the need to waste his time on those he sees as lesser than himself unless there's something in it for him, typically something for him to be devious about. Amada hates waiting around and beating around the bush and would rather say how it is instead of wasting time sugarcoating words to make others feel better. Not only in his behavior but also in his work ethtic, Amada has limited amount of patience and will even throw a bit of a fit if what he's trying to achieve isn't going well. Despite all his sharp and prickly aspects of his personality, Amada does have redeeming qualities that balance out his rather toxic temperment.
Story - TL;DR

Born to very rich and beautiful parents, Amada was always showered in the most luxurious things. Unlike some of the other unfortunate kids that barely got to see their parents, Amada spent time with his parents and they made the time to spoil him. His parents made it known that he was their beloved treasure. Since his parents were both well known business people, they tended to travel a lot, however, each time both of them had to travel during the same time, they would bring Amada along to ensure quality family time. His family resided mostly in France due to both his parents being prominent figures in the fashion world. Despite the busy atmosphere, Amada was able to experience a normal childhood and interact with children in similar class to him.

When he was younger, Amada used to be teased a lot for his looks since he was a bit of a foreigner compared to his classmates. Having a very strong personality, Amada would tend to get into fights with all the children that picked on him and it eventually led to him getting kicked out of the academy he was attending. Shortly afterwards, his parents signed a contract with a top perfume CEO and became business partners. Following this, his parents decided to settle down and limit their travels to devote their time towards their new formed partnership. At his second academy Amada met a young boy named Kuga that bullied him, but unlike the other children, Kuga found something else to bully Amada for. Eventually the conflict between the two met its end when the boys faught and were forced to apologize to each other when the academy notified their guardians of thier fight. Unfortunately for Amada, Kuga ended up being the son of his parents' business partner, so he did have to get along with Kuga which took time but eventually they created a tolerable friendship.

Despite the unwavering and overwhelming amount of love his parents showered him with, Amada grew up to become a menace to society. His bratty behavior over the years was enhanced by his childhood enemy to friend Kuga. Despite their sour start, the two were practically attached to the hip, so if one of them caused mischief the other would shortly become an accomplice. In hopes of humbling Amada, his parents sent him to Lucent High after several complaints from the academy he previously attended. Once he had matured he did depend less on physical violence and resorted to doing things to inconvenience others for fun. His previous academy listed that his offenses include; destruction of property due to Amada and Kuga making the bathrooms their person salon despite warning from multiple staff members, assaulting another student (was just a little shove), and inability to comply with academy rules and dress codes.