


26 days, 2 hours ago


"Bolts", serial number 3764 (sometimes referred to as "3" by other bots) is an ancient version of what are now known as "Angelblasters" - back then, they were just called "soldier units". His arm used to be equipped with a firearm that has long been left behind. It's been even longer since he's seen a fight. However, he's fought in many wars, many of which were fully willingly. He served under Captain Matrice, one of the most empathetic, conscientious and honorable Observers (complex bots with near omnipresence thanks to millions of nanobots, most often leased out for various purposes) the galaxy had seen. He had gone rogue and used his rogue fleet to find societies in hostile situations and help them earn independence. However, once Matrice was finally captured, he was switched to an inoperable state and was left to rot on an abandoned planet by the society that had claimed to own him. 

Thanks to Matrice, his fleet had autonomy but in his absence had little direction on what to do with it. Bolts (a nickname for 3 with an origin lost to time) decided he was permanently done with war if he could help it. All of the conflict had wore down on his processor and the trauma made him aversive to dire situations - he describes himself as a coward after that point. And that point was still within ancient times. The past millennia has been as hedonistic and self-serving as possible, in between all the restrictions... he's been free, he's been owned, he's served nearly every type of profession and been forced to do anything you can think of, friends and lovers both organic and far-from have come and gone. He's been through it all. His hardware is weary and his processor is slow and clunky, but he's still kicking and enjoying his autonomy as lavishly as he can! There's only one restriction he has for himself: don't get close to anyone who you will outlive ever again. No more heartbreak. 

A personal goal is to somehow find Matrice, as impossible a task as that seems. If he was truly alone, he'd hop every planet until he found him - however, Bolts is TERRIBLE at not finding friends wherever he goes. A couple decades ago, he encountered Ribosome when he was captured by space pirates and pawned off to an auction house at an interstellar commerce hub. Together they escaped (Bolts says it was an equal effort, but Ribosome's electric shock coil did all of the heavy lifting) and have since been best of friends. Bolts finds his naive wonder charming and his future-proof longetivity comforting. Since meeting him, he's spent most of his time experiencing the developed part of the galaxy with him and bonding with him.

In an attempt to hunker down and rest for a bit, they navigated to a sleepy little planet called Roskoria, one that had not known war for at least thousands of years thanks to its deities. It was there they landed in the yard of Starblaze, of whom Ribosome immediately grew attached to as if he had been craving the comforting lure of an organic being. Bolts tried to resist - never again! - but he couldn't bare to strip that experience from Rib. Star has since grown incredibly close to them and often joins them on brief luxury stints in space in-between working his job. His search for Matrice can be put on the backburner again, for now.... it's okay.... it's just another break..... 

Bolts' immense time alive has made him quite quirky and goofy in nature. He used to occasionally encounter some of his fellow fleet members out in the wild, but those meetings kept dwindling until they went extinct. He is not sure if there are any like him out there any more. He found a right forearm that is compatible with him to replace the former firearm, but it fits awkwardly and often falls off. These days he doesn't wear his plating out any more, realizing that if anything were to happen to it, it'd be INCREDIBLY hard to replace - and it has priceless sentimental value to him. He stashes it in his ship. He'll wear it for brief moments in privacy if he wants to feel closer to Matrice and relive his fading, corrupting memories.