
8 years, 3 months ago



Norville "Dundee" Rogers
Mid 20's
NSHU, his brothers, neutral good.
Technology and robotics expert. Youngest of the Trouble Trio.


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Prior History

Norville "Dundee" William Rogers was born in Pascagoula, Mississippi, to Gina Belmont in a fling down in New Orleans to a traveling salesman named Thomas Rogers. When her relationship rekindled to Sgt. J.T. L'amour, the kid was born, and was considered Arell's stepbrother. Since their marriage was on the rocks at the time, Pap understood, but he didn't like the fact that she cheated on him while their marriage had a rocky point. Arell and Dun' grew up in the typical brotherly fashion, and when CJ came down to live with them, the trio were infamously inseperable in their adventures. By the age of twelve, Dunn was creating experiments and inventions that caught the attention of the NSHU. He had the option to advance his studies in the group's higher learning, but chose to stay with his school in favor of not leaving his family and best friend. When they were forming the Knuckledraggers, Dundee was just getting started on the bass in school, but CJ convinced Arell that the "kid had a knack", and Dun' brought a jazz sensibility to their bass. Even going as far as to sand down the neck of his bass to match the feel of the upright bass at school..

Additional Info

Name: Norville "Dundee" William Rogers
Alias: "Dun", "Dundee", Sparrow - NSHU alias.
Age: Mid 20's.
Gender: Male
Race: Human
Nationality: American (Cajun, German, Choctaw, English)
Appearance: Clean cut brown hair, brown eyes, and almost always seen wearing a suit and tie. Unlike his brothers, Dun prefers to look good and ready for work.
Personality: He's a bookworm and genious. He tends to spend far more time with his nose in his books or working on his research than he does socially enteracting with other people. While he's shown interest in women, he seems to be very shy and will refuse even the suggestion of dating someone. Claiming that he's had his heart broken by his one true love, and has no interest in dating anyone else.

Location: NSHU Headquarters, New York. , New Orleans
Occupation: NSHU Agent: T.R.E.S. Sector. Technical Consultant and College Professor at NSHU University. Volunteers at several local schools for science fairs and demonstrations once or twice a year.
Strengths: A book-smart genius with an IQ of 159 and technologically savvy. Consentrated in electromechanical and robotics, growing in the field of Technomagic. Also a talented bass player and marksman.
Weaknesses: With his intelligence, he's very... clumsy. A running gag is C.J. and Arell having to drop what they're doing to pull Dun's head out of the sink.
Powers: Among a very long list of inventions he's made, his main "power" are different power suits he's invented. A nanobot suit that can quickly be bound into armor under his clothing in case he's attacked on the street. And a more bulky, armored suit he's been tinkering with.
Age during "past" timeline: 16-early 20's.


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