The Weave



25 days, 22 hours ago


Incomprehensible to lesser beings, even the Echoes. Most of these lesser organisms simply call it "The Weave".

All matter in the universe is part of the Weave.
Gwyn's favourite ice cream flavour

The Weave has no "personality" that would be perceivable by lesser beings, and unlike the Name it rarely -- if ever -- interacts with such organisms -- the only known instance being when it took Mask into itself to aid in the Echoes' fight against Causality. No one knows why it chose to answer the gods' plea for aid then, and the Weave isn't divulging its secrets. It has been known to change organisms to its whims, though, most notably in the case of the Warden and the Waterbeast.

The Weave's motivations -- if it has any other than its Being keeping the universe turning -- are unknown.

The Weave was half of the Elder Name, cleft upon the Call. Its Being flew ahead of the Name, causing all things to come into being, filling the void with ever-shifting matter and energy before it was bound to physical form and law by the Name. The Weave is locked in an eternal struggle with the Name, keeping a balance that has ensured the universe keeps existing. It shifts endlessly, searching for a way to escape the bonds of the laws of the Name, ever reined back in by its counterpart.
When Mask called out to the cosmic beings for help on the behalf of the gods, the Weave answered -- for reasons unknown -- and took Mask into itself, effectively making Mask a puppet of the Weave. Though the Weave was an incomprehensibly powerful being, Mask's body still had its limits, and Causality shattered it. The moment Mask died, the essence of the Weave -- now lacking a host -- exploded out from Mask, ripping everything around it to shreds. Causality's physical form was turned to dust in an instant as the essence rushed outward and gave sentience to that dust, forcing Causality's consciousness into a prison within that mind as it did so. As the flames dissipated, Charlie was born.