


4 months, 12 hours ago


Young Adult
Show Dog

"I pray when I sleep at night, so at least I'll die a decent guy"

Danger’s pretty, and a lot of people are into that, and he uses that to his advantage. Whether it’s to get something he wants or to get out of a situation he doesn’t want to be in, Danger can smooth talk it to them all.

Although the roles he has played in are, to be honest, mediocre at best, Danger is proud of every single one of them. He refuses to be dragged down by anyone that says otherwise, often shifting the scorn to the human writers of the shows (“It’s not my fault that my role in whatever was so bad, blame the writers for doing a shitty job… you know… of writing a shitty script.”)

Danger doesn’t have many people he can call friends. In fact, he isn’t even sure that he has any to begin with. So when he meets people that he can consider a friend, he’ll go through hell and back just to make sure they’re ok (Or at the very least to make sure that they still like him.) To be honest he’s mostly just protective of himself and his image, but the other thing is true as well. He secretly has a soft spot for pups.

Contrary to what he shows outwardly, Danger is constantly walking on eggshells. The boy is a nervous wreck. The stress he has from his handlers, along with the notion that he has to be perfect that picked up during childhood, eats him alive.

Danger is deeply insecure about most of himself, from his face, to his voice, he can nitpick himself till there’s nothing left. All of this is internal however. He will never admit it. He can’t do it. The fact that he even thinks this way is another one of his insecurities.

This little punk always has something to say. A sarcastic remark here, stating the obvious there, he has to have the last word about everything, good or bad.

If there’s no physical harm in it, Danger just lets things happen. Whether it’s happening to himself or others.

Due to his upbringing, he put himself on the highest pedestal, and nobody can climb to his level in his mind. Everyone is below him. Even his own family. He’s very fragile, and even if he doesn’t show it, he will die inside at any insults or other blows to his ego. He simultaneously hates himself yet has a god complex.

When the going gets tough, Danger is a runner. He’s all bark and no bite. He will never admit this as he views it as a sign of weakness, to which he would rather die than be deemed weak. But put him between a rock and a hard place, and the boy will learn to fly or start digging. He’d rather bribe someone to do his dirty work than get his own paws dirty...

Danger has crafted the perfect persona, one that keeps everything in his favor. A bad boy that isn’t afraid to show his (fake) sensitive side, while at the same time hiding everything about himself that he hates. The kinda guy that will donate everything he has just to maintain his perfect appearance. This is all a facade. Behind that perfect exterior is a guy that just knows that everyone would hate him if he was his true self. And it’s his own fault, that’s the worst part. He refuses to better himself, because he believes he can’t. He can’t get any better, this is just the way he is, and that’s that. He’s prone to having emotional breakdowns when in private, hiding his pain from everyone else.


  • Swimming
  • Cheap dog Treats
  • Dog toys

  • "The stress"
  • Most other dogs
  • Human men
Design Notes

  • His face isn't symetrical, but his body is
  • Can wear any fancy collar, but his chain is his main
  • His sclera rarely show.

  • Likes to go swimming.
  • Easily startled, has anxiety.
  • Can run super fast.
Likely to

  • Wander into ur territory, go like "Yo u live like this?" and then leave.
  • Send a hitman after you.
  • Cry after dropping his pencil

Danger comes from a line of purebred dalmatians which goes back generations. They were show dogs, as were their parents, and their parents, and so on. From the start Danger figured that he too would also become a show dog. They made sure to drill two things into his head: any pet worth anything should love and be loyal to their humans ‘til the day they dropped, and two, he was a purebred, that was something special. It meant that from birth,he was better than any other type of dog, and he should act like it. Junkyard dogs and strays were to be kept clear of at all costs.

Even as a pup, Danger rarely interacted or played with anyone outside his litter, even the pups that his parents had encouraged him to befriend. He had explained to them that he was just more comfortable playing with dogs that he knew for sure were purebred like him, that he didn’t know what a mutt or otherwise dangerous dog looked like. In turn they reassured him that he would know it when he saw it, they had rough, unkempt coats, yellowing teeth, and piercing red eyes. They had scars littering their bodies, and knicks and tears on their lips and ears from fights they had been in. They explained to him that he didn’t have to worry about any of that for now, as they would never allow any dog of such to even look at him.

Despite his parent’s best efforts to socialize the spotted pup, Danger still had trouble befriending other pups. Truth be told he was mostly just uninterested in them, having taken the words of his parents a bit too seriously. He would know “it” when he saw “it”, and boy, did Danger start seeing “it” everywhere. Unaware that a mutt was just a dog that was mixed breed, Danger started labeling everyone who moderately inconvenienced him as a “mutt”, therefore making himself superior to them in his mind. This didn’t exclude his family either and he took it as an excuse to act like a little shit around them.

Eventually he was of age to be sent off to his human, who had purchased him before he could even open his eyes. It was his first time outside of Canidale, in fact it was the first time off of his property. He told himself that he would be ready to be the best pet that he could, just like it was drilled into his mind, that he wouldn't even miss his family, they were below him. He would win just as many awards as they all had, that they weren’t special.

But he wasn’t the best pet, he did miss his family, he wasn’t above them, and he was the one that wasn’t special.


His training began immediately. Honestly, Danger was ok with this. He was finally getting ready to show that he was better than anyone in his family. He was never one for the companionship of humans, and even though he could tell that this human loved him, Danger saw this arrangement as more of a professional one. Although the spotted canine did everything that the human told him to do, when he told him to, he ever felt anything about it. It was just a job to him. There was no emotion behind it. He knew his parents wouldn't approve of this attitude, but they weren’t here to scold him, so why should he care. They weren’t the boss of him anymore.

Obedience trials came and went. Some he won, others he lost. No big deal. In all honesty he loved the ribbons and trophies he won more than the human that trained him. After some time had passed, his human started training him for athletic trials. And soon Danger would earn as many awards for that as he did for obedience. He got faster too, which is always a plus. Other than the other contestants, Danger never really socialized with anyone. It’s whatever though, he was fine with it, he didn’t need any of these mutts dragging him down anyway. Everything was perfect, he was proving to be the best of the best, everyone loved him, and he never had to want for anything.

Everything comes to an end though. One night someone broke in. Danger just stood there, frozen as his human was murdered, he didn’t even bark at the intruder. And when the intruder left to go rob the place, Danger just sat next to his human, not really processing what had just happened. It was only when the stranger called out to him, that Danger finally came back to reality.

All he could do was run, but there was no place for him to run to, and eventually the stranger caught him, taped his mouth shut, and took the spotted dog with him. He lived chained up in a dark shed with this new human for a while, and then came the day when some new humans came and took him with them. They renamed him Danny, to which he responds to but doesn’t introduce himself as. From then on things started getting better, but only outwardly.


His new humans were good enough to him, but they were strict. At first he was not allowed to do many things that he used to do or eat most of the things he used to eat. As time passed however, he was allowed to act the way he used to. The new humans were animal wranglers and instead of the trials he had once participated in, he was now playing parts in movies and TV shows. Eventually this life brought him back to Canidale, where he seems to not be leaving any time soon.

To him, acting was no different than the obedience trials he used to do. And as soon as he made that connection, it was like he never stopped. On one hand this is great, he does his job and he’s good at it. But on the other hand it feels like he’s being constantly pushed to be perfect. He never had to be perfect before, he could screw up and be ok with it, but now any mistake, no matter how small, felt earth shattering to him.

To the humans, Danger has to be this perfectly obedient doggie that always does as he’s told, and does it happily too. To other dogs he has to be a role model, never showing his true emotions, only what the people want to see. They want a bad boy who never plays by the rules? He’ll give it to them. They want a sweetie who helps children and the elderly? He’ll give that to them too. He doesn’t need friends, he has fans. And anyone that isn’t a fan of his is just a mutt that would drag him down anyway. This is his life now. He’s come to accept it, or so he says.

Truth be told, he’s at his breaking point. Even though the animal wranglers never treated him poorly, he can’t help but hope they drop dead, just so he can be free from this. After all, a good pet loves his humans ‘til the day they drop, right? He’s never had time to develop a personality outside of this, and that scares him. He doesn’t know if he can do better, and he’s too scared to fail, so he never tries.

Danger doesn’t really remember his first human anymore, that part of his life being blacked out for the most part. All he remembers is the fear that the intruder induced into him, and how he wasn’t fast enough. He’ll never make that mistake again.

Being home in Canidale means little to Danger, but perhaps being back where he can take things slow will be just what he needs.


  • Pup learns he is better than everyone else and is WRONG.
  • Said pup grows up to be a show dog.
  • Owner gets murdered, pup gets sold to someone else.
  • New owners train him to be an acting dog, not aware of his past.
Vicious Brother

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nam ipsum lorem, tincidunt non risus eget, fermentum aliquet mi.

Mutt ???!

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nam ipsum lorem, tincidunt non risus eget, fermentum aliquet mi.


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nam ipsum lorem, tincidunt non risus eget, fermentum aliquet mi.

Name relation

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Duis sollicitudin elit sed tellus blandit viverra sed eget odio. Donec accumsan tempor lacus, et venenatis elit feugiat non. Duis porta eros et velit blandit dapibus. Curabitur ac finibus eros. Duis placerat velit vitae massa sodales, eget mattis nibh pellentesque.