Asahi Kuroishi



1 month, 1 day ago




Ihasa, Bubu-chan


late 20s

181 cm




Theme song


Zodiac sign

ISTJ- Logistician




  • Asahi is an experienced soldier who comes from the Kuroishi clan. This clan has its roots in the east in Ta'tien region and is also known by the nicknames "Night Clan" or "War Clan."
  • He is the older of identical twins. He would readily lay down his life for the sake of his younger brother, whom he considers the most important person in the world.
  • Asahi is a lover of food to the extent that many people call him a glutton.
  • He has a unique "Kiseki" imbued in his core, making him stronger and healthier. Asahi received it from a strange elderly woman from a small neighboring clan, whom his younger brother had begged on his knees to save him when he was seriously injured by a dog as a child.


Asahi was born with his twin brother Akari on the outskirts of M'yor, main city of Kuroishi clan.They came from a poorer background and did not even bear a clan name, which is usually given to higher-ranking soldiers, if they are not born to the leading family. Although their father served in the army, he was unable to rise to higher positions, which determined his pay. From an early age, he instilled into his sons the importance of working hard to reach higher military ranks within the clan. However, the boys lost their father early on, as he died in battle during the clan's expansion across Ta'tien, and their mother couldn't fully support them on her own. Additionally, their household was attacked by bandits, and though their mother managed to hide Asahi and Akari, she herself was assaulted. Since then, she suffered from severe trauma, leaving the boys to support her through their hard work and training. Their father's words remained carved in their hearts.

Both boys gradually began to climb the military ranks, seeing it as their only hope for a better life. Before they turned twenty, they joined an elite group led by Mitsuo, the strongest young general of their time, and together with him, they began achieving successes on the battlefield across Ta'tien. They not only earned a clan name but also sufficient finances to start living more comfortably. Unfortunately, their mother did not live to see the peak of their success. Another sudden blow to their lives came with Mitsuo's departure from the clan, for which the general was labeled as a deserter. However, a revolution against the leading family was arising, and Mitsuo was set to lead it. These news prompted Asahi to follow the general. He participated in training new recruits and marched into the next military campaign, willingly and devotedly.

Asahi can be described as a loyal, reserved, and very responsible person. Due to his introverted nature, he might come across as arrogant, although he is more inclined to hide himself from the world. He is a passionate smoker of high-quality tobacco from his kiseru pipe and enjoys walking in nature. One could say that he appreciates beauty even in a world torn by war. His great dream is to return to his hometown with his twin, renovate a small house, and raise ducks. He is not very interested in romantic relationships, although his heart was touched by Xiao, a pirate captain who joined Mitsuo's rebellion as an ally.

Asahi has a general athletic build with slightly wider shoulders. He ties his shoulder-length hair into a tight bun, distinguishing himself from his twin, who tends to wear a more chaotic hairstyle. The dominant feature of his face is his eyes, framed by relatively long eyelashes and narrow eyebrows. Thanks to 'Kiseki,' which is part of his core, he rarely falls ill and regenerates faster than the average person. He prefers dark functional clothing, often opting for motifs inspired by the night and stars. His main weapon is a cross-naginata spear, and he generally leans towards using longer weapons. He smells like tobacco and leather; his favourite food is fried chicken, burgers, khachapuri, gyoza dumplings etc. (He's a big food lover!).


Friendly Reserved
Polite Blunt
Clever Foolish
Sensitive Tough
Brave Timid
Careful Reckless
Sincere Deceptive
Diligent Lazy
Calm Irritable
Humorous Serious


  • food
  • spring nature
  • movies/books
  • night


  • social events
  • attacks on civilians
  • sexual humor
  • dogs


  • loyal
  • reserved
  • tenacious
  • ambitious


  • training
  • swimming
  • meditation
  • watching movies