Zaphod (Zaphod Starstruck)



1 month, 10 hours ago



Name Zaphod Starstruck
Class Reaper (Black Mage)
Age 30-ish
Pronouns He/Him
Race Viera
Role Warrior of Light
Demeanor Positive Nihilist
Theme Song link


  • Money
  • Adventuring (apparently)
  • Tinkering
  • Island Sanctuary (Leave Him Be)


  • Fandaniel
  • Asahi
  • The Unending Of It All
  • ???

The Unending Journey

Once an abandoned Viera as a small child who was found and fostered by Garleans. Ended up enlisting into the XIIth Imperial Legion and sent across the ocean for reconnaissance when he showed remarkable talent with magic. A perfect undercover spy who could walk around freely. Upon entering Eorzea Zaphod was met with strange flashbacks and memories not of his own as he wandered around, helping those in need for information in return about the area. Thus, though unintended, he met with Thancred and eventually the rest of the Scions of the Seventh Dawn.Though he started out a bit cruel and sarcastic about Eorzea and it's weaknesses, with Hydealyn's insistance (and some friends made along the way), Zaphod found himself willingly helping those around him and soon defending the people of the continent against his home, the Garlean Empire.

He's often convinced nowdays that there is little to be worried over, what with traveling to the end of the universe to defeat a bird that tried to bring an end to the entire planet. Even less so now that he's also traveled to the void and made a friend with the voidsent who had once been under the thumb of the most annoying Imperial obstacle; Zenos.

With saving the universe set aside, he spends most of his time rumaging through the wilds for days on end on his 'Island Sanctuary' as Tataru likes to call it and be left alone to his own devices where no one can contact him or bother him. Despite this he still seems to understand that his help is still needed in other places and often takes an old friends words to heart when he finds himself at the brink of collapse.

Zaphod is known to be casually nihilistic while still entertained and curious about the wonders of the world. Though he never voices it, he dearly misses those he had grown close to and lost, namely Yotsuyu, Emet Selch, and Hythlodeus. With this comes the common internal mourning of what might have been done if he had been smarter, stronger, or still remembered his past and his old friends like Emet did. Zaphod is aware of the thin line he treads, not quite willing to be 'good' anymore so long as his friends aren't hurt. He also still has the lasting effects and scars from nearly turning into a Sin Eater and feels the aches and pains of it when he isn't channeling darkness from the void as a Reaper or Black Mage.

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