Jirina's Comments

May I if she's still available in a little bit?

Sure, she's still available! <3 Thank you for showing interest in her! <3

Your welcome Michi-chan ^^ Will definitely give her a good home that's for sure. Just got some stuff to take care of today first. 

That makes me so happy to know! I know she will be just as good with you as she was with me! <3

Shall I send the invoice already so you can pay later on today? I don't know If I'll be here later, that's why I ask.

That she will be^^ I'll take very good care of her that is for sure. Especially since I know she's special to you. 

And that will work out perfectly^^ Will allow me to pay right away after my dentist today. 

Thank you so much! ;; Yes, she was partly inspired by myself, so it's rly special and I'm even more happy she is with you. Makes me feel at ease knowing she goes to a close friends home! <333

Alright! I'll send it out then! <3 Oh I hope it's nothing too bad (because you mentioned dentist)? I hope things will go good for you! <3

3 Replies