Tall Elf (tbn)



5 years, 9 months ago


"Alistair, you have your job, and I have mine. You must rule, I must die."

Dalish Warden. Rogue. 

+ Assertive, intense, loyal

/ Traditional

- Prejudice, hot tempered,  contradictory

Major Choices:

  • Recruited all party members 
  • The sacred ashes were not defiled
  • Connor is alive and not possessed
  • Cured the werewolves
  • Defeated Branka, Dagna left to study, and Harrowmont rules
  • Saved the mages and kept Irving alive
  • Sent Marjolaine away; helped Alistair find his sister
  • Logain killed, Alistair is king
  • The warden dies
The A Team:

Morragan: A flipflop of emotion. Sometimes TE feels like Morragan might really understand the struggles of her people, but is constantly amazed by her boughts of childishness.

Alistair: A dork. That she loves. 

Zevran: A great liar, kisser, and even better friend. 

Romance: Alistair

After the death of her friend Tamlen, TE has never hated humans more in her life. She's angry to have to be stuck around so many. Leliana is the first human she actually grows close to in the group. She is weird, soothing, talented, and fun. This pushes TE out of her comfort zone and she winds up getting along well with all of her companions. While she found Alistair an annoyance at first, she become protective when other people chastise him (Morragan), despite loving to make him stew a bit. He's cheesy, romantic, and has about as much idea of what he;s doing as she does.

Leliana grows feelings for TE, but upon seeing her grow closer to Alistair encourages the relationships growth. She never fully talks about her feelings, no matter how TE tries. They remain very close.

Upon  deciding Alistair must be king, he tries to break things off, saying the kingdom would never allow her to be queen. TE argues she doesn't care, she'll see him in private, be his mistress.; not like she wants to be queen anyways! However, he refuses. She gets mad and stomps off, but tries to bring it up again when she's cooled off. He refuses to continue the conversation. In a fit of rage she tries to sleep with Zevran to rile Alistair up, but Zev tells her to come back when she's over her break up.

In her grief/rage she agrees to make the killing blow to the Blight without hesitation. Even when Morragan gives her an alternative, TE says she'd rather just die. In a fit of anger, Morragan abandons them. "You were like my sister, how could you be so stupid?"

Alistair tries to talk TE out of her death wish, explaining how he never wanted to be king anyway. TE refuses, and even when Alistair tries to take the final blow from her, she pushes him away. She dies and the Blight is vanquished. Everyone is sad. Alistair doesn't marry years later (during Inquisition) though he knows he'll have to eventually. Leliana becomes calloused; upset she never told TE her true feelings and swearing continue her will.


  • Almost killed Zevran until she heard he could pick locks... only to find out he was lying.
  • Her dog is named Nomad