charmander Adopts's Comments

is 5, 11, 15, 27, 35, or 37 currently available?

5, 11, 35 and 37 are still available 

May I get all of them please! ^^

Sure, my PayPal is [email protected], lemme know once you’ve sent it.


They should be pending to ya

1 Replies

May I autobuy #46?

Yours, my PayPal is UnspokenGibberish lemmie know once you’ve sent it 


Should be Pending

Thank you so much! 

Can I autobuy #12?

Yours, my PayPal is UnspokenGibberish lemmie know once you’ve sent it


They should be pending to ya

Hiya! Can I AB 15, 27, 23 and 47?

Sure^^ my PayPal is UnspokenGibberish, lemme know once you’ve sent it^^

Hiya! That should be all sent :)

All should be pending to ya

Thank you!