Such a cutie!! If I got them Id love to add some sun/moon aspects or themed clothes to them if you wouldnt mind <3

lovely bean u wu looks like GUMMYWORM!!!!!! 

This design is so appealing! I’ve always been a sucker for designs with split colors and heart theming! The colors are so eye pleasing! Would love to have this (but if I don’t I hope whoever gets it enjoys it!! :3 gl guys!!)

Wahhh love this design so much I love split design characters 💜 

AH I love this goober I really want to draw more fursonas and especially cats! I'd call em scorpio and Id use em as a fursona close to me aka like a persona but like a furry! :D Im kinda new in the furry community as I dont draw stuff often but it also scares me however Id love to keep em and maybe use em someday as a fursuit  for  myself too, thats how much I love the design! :D

You won! Sending the character rn, congratulations! :>

thank you so much I appreciate you and your gifts :D

Tysm and np! C: