Captain Adarama



28 days, 21 hours ago


Name: Adarama
Species: Alien (unknown species, probably a hybrid with Acrilloni genes)
Sex: Female
Occupation: Space Pirate

Captain Adarama is the current leader of a small group of space pirates, who like to cause mayhem in the universe. She used to be in the same group of space pirates, who were responsible for Professor Awrag's death. At this time, she was a rookie pirate and a kinda skittish person and bad at fighting. Adarama confronted Vijaya Thradvir in this battle, who was just a simple spaceship mechanic at this time, but with a little bit of swordship experience. Still, Adarama had to fight the fierce female cyclops alien who was just equipped with a wrench and her razor sharp claws. Vijaya severely scratched Adarama over her eye, barely misses her eyeball destroying her eyesight, which made her retreat in fear of the Escarian.

Personality wise, she's arrogant, sadistic and always up for a good fight against other pirates or law enforcement. Adarama's main weapon is a whip.