


5 years, 8 months ago


It was FINE!  I swear it was fine!  Everything was falling apart, but at least she was ok.  The mentor and most powerful person in the world was training Avalon every day.  Finally coping with her curse, she was going to find Oden and beat him for good and Avalon was finally going to rest.  Right?

It’s ironic.  Both Avalon and Mira were victims.  Avalon used to wonder why Mira responded so much worse to something that effected both of them equally. The two of them discovered the truth about Avalon’s so called “mentor” and the monster that cursed her.  This was the second time both her and Mira were inches from death at the same time.  It was no longer Avalon‘s turn to be the strong one.

And suddenly?  Avalon Learned her own girlfriend wasn’t a Deuina?  This wasn‘t what changed things.

A stranger, an enemy appeared at their door.  He bore the worst news in the world.

Avalon lives with Mira, Oliver, and Ozzy.  She’s never bound more secrets in her life.  Every single day she goes back to Azuul Castle to train.  Every single day she desperately searches the coding of the universe for a loop hole.  Every night, her and her friends stay up to protect people And the knife.  How much longer could the three of them deter Pollux‘s investigation group?  How much longer until they are found out?  How much angrier could she get before she finally cracks?