



Fane Boswyn.

Former pirate. Has the scars to prove it. It wasn’t something she’d actually considered becoming, but the merchant ship she’d originally boarded had been ambushed by pirates, and well…in order to survive, she decided to change occupations. It wasn’t a bad choice, as it turned out. Fane found that so long as she kept her head down, and stole a fair amount of treasure/loot/supplies, the captain and crew were fairly happy about keeping her on board. After a few years, she managed to bargain her way off the ship…but not before pinching a rather nice ring the captain kept in his cabin.

Fane’s kept on the move for most of her young life. Honestly, she can’t see herself really wanting children or settling down in some quiet little backwater town somewhere in the Sea of a Thousand Currents. If someone were to ask her why she’s been flitting here and there for the last few years, she’d probably say that she’s like the ocean. Never happy unless she’s moving. She doesn’t like being tied down to one place.

Being a mercenary gives her the freedom to travel anywhere she fancies. Well, almost anywhere. She’s never been very keen on travelling through the Scarred Wasteland. If she knows a client wants her and her mercenary band to escort them through Plague territory, then she’s likely to demand a higher fee than she normally charges. Just as a safety measure really.

Besides, a little extra money hurts no one, and the client is usually none the wiser anyway. Plus more money means she can afford more food or weapons for the others in her little roaming band. Or buy them all drinks after a particularly difficult/harrowing mission.

Not above keeping a few extra coins for herself either, on occasion. Not that she’d ever mention that to anyone. Then again, it’s really no one else’s business what she does with her share.

Occasionally has visions of the future. They’re fractured though, and she usually can’t make much sense of them. Sometimes she’ll mention them to her friends, but never bothers worrying herself over them. As far as she’s aware, nothing predicted in her visions has actually come true. Well, maybe.

In all honesty, Fane doesn’t look much like a mercenary. Or not as far as first impressions go, anyway. Okay, there’s the scars, and the rather large cleaver at her waist, but she’s fairly soft spoken and polite. Not harsh, but there’s something in her eyes, and the way she carries herself that says “don’t push me.” She brooks no nonsense from anybody, and will speak up if she thinks there’s a problem. Then again, sometimes Fane will quite happily be the cause of a problem, just because she’s in the mood for a fight.  

Occasionally will do a little magic. Especially if there’s a festival going on, or another occasion where everyone’s gathered round a large bonfire. She does have something of a soft spot for hatchlings, and can normally, with a (very) little begging from them, be persuaded to perform a few spells. Or tell some family safe stories.

Despite trying to hold herself back, the excitement of the crowds will infect her, and she can get quite giddy. Often spends a few hours looking round the stalls and tents, seeing if there’s anything that catches her fancy. Tends to gravitate towards stalls that sell things like shells or other items that remind her of home. Though she does regularly travel back to the Sea of a Thousand Currents when working, sometimes she misses the sound of the ocean. The wind whistling through the trees can sound very similar, but occasionally she longs for the tang of fish in the air, and the sounds of the boats in the harbours.

Honestly her bio needs updating, but that’ll come later. Need to add a bit about how she met Bronte in again (used to have it in here…)


- Not a very good cook - though she does eventually learn to make something edible. Still prefers to leave the cooking to others though!

- Has a rather large collection of seashells.

- She and Bronte have the same hatchday…she’s older by an hour or so though.

- Loves reminding Bronte about the above fact.

- Swears quite a bit. She might be polite, but catch her at the wrong moment and…

- Not ashamed of her scars in the slightest. She doesn’t flaunt them, but she won’t hide them either. They’re part of who she is.