


5 years, 8 months ago



"Treading lightly, tightly shedding its old skin.
Leaving trails of night for light to bring chagrin.
While air grows thin."

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༻ S y l f a ༺
"To me, you're strange and you're beautiful. You'd be so perfect with me"

Deep sea merfolk. He be a very long long boy

Personality - 

Usually very mellow, a child like spirit, loud, cheerful, inquisitive and tends to always crush the personal space of others.
Never have shown fear, only excitement towards the unknown.
Really carefree and freespirited he goes wherever he feels likes going often not taking things seriously and always seeing the playful side of the situation, but went it comes down to food matters his predatory instinct kicks in more so when he havent had his share.
A hopeless romantic that wants to pamper his beloved, have no troubles with keeping up with multiple partners. Will only enter a polyamory relationship if everyone agrees on it.

⚔<<--------------------------------------╭( ・ㅂ・)و ̑̑ ˂ᵒ͜͡ᵏᵎ⁾✩----------------------------------------------------

A lone one that yearns companionship, his colony a distant memory.

For countless years he remained with his family, a nomad clan.
Until one by one succumbed to death, a strange illness that none of them thought oddly about.
With each body a burial was due. Each remaining member eating part of the flesh of the one who passed away, their last farewell a "thank you" to them.

Waste not, want not.

And once they have their fill they bury what remains of their body, a very shallow grave, with this giving back an opportunity for others to feast.

It wasn't too long until Sylfa found himself all alone.

This is how it is.

His heart never wavered, it is all part of this life, and so, he pushed through with a bright smile at the unknown.

Roaming the oceans without a set course, following just the whim of his heart and the ache in his gut.
His only constant companion, a hunger that always lingers at the back of his mind.

//Note to artists//
-Amount of scars can vary. The only ones that are a must are the ones on his lip and the bite mark on his right shoulder.

-Gore/Dismemberment themes are not a must but is highly appreciated.

- You have liberties with his design.

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A rather small cove, hidden from the surroundings by tall outcroppings, the type of place that only those who already know their footing around may reach it. The waters that bathe the dark rocks are crystal clear, and the way the outcrops cast shadows against the secluded beach was as beautiful as it was haunting.

Moonlight fell across Sylfa's large form, a rich pink glittering in between dark scales. Half of his body coiling losesly around his land bound friend. His heart raising, eyes widening as a hand reached over for him. 

Ears perked up at the words spoken by his land friend.  A question? Slowly, Sylfa opened his eyes as he gathered his thoughts. 

A gaze filled with human intelligence made Javier's hairs stand on end, his mouth running dry all of a sudden, excitement rushing through him as he saw that the mer was trying to form words. 

A deep rumble rolled in Sylfa's chest as his hoarse and rough voice, due to disuse, faintly echoed around along with the soft lull of the lapping waves.

"S-sylfa" he managed to say, not aware that his companion didnt really understood much, as he pushed against the caressing hand, soft lips leaving a chaste kiss on the roughness of them.