


5 years, 7 months ago


Name Klevis
Nickname Bunny Boy (he doesn't like it)
Race/Species Ceon - Jackalope
Age unknown
Gender male
Pronouns he/him/his
Occupation TBD
Abilities good hearing
Other He sometimes loses his antlers, but they regrow. Usually a bit different each time

Klevis is a shy, anxious and traumatized Ceon. He was imprisoned, tortured and experimented on for many years and therefore has a hard time trusting anyone. While the scars on his body may heal, the damage that was done to his soul will never be cured. Haunted by panic attacks and seizures.

Due to several experiments, he ended up losing his special abilities. He's no longer able to change forms and his legs became weak. No longer able to run and jump as fast and high as he used to. Only his good hearing remained. 

After he lost his special powers, he became useless to them and they released him. They knew he wouldn't be able to cause any problems as weak and afraid as he was. 

Klevis had a hard time getting used to the world outside of the prison again. Yet, he somehow managed to survive by hiding in the shadows.

From the tortures, he has many scars on his upper body and legs. Which he is usually trying to hide under long clothes


Some more facts about him:

- He's hemophobic
- His favorite food is watercress
- Hates being touched