


5 years, 9 months ago


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Thunderclan's Medicine Cat, Leader and Savior. Shy, caring, and willing to do anything to get what he and his clan deserves. Son of the old leader and deputy, he and his brother were destined for greatness! They had their lives all planned out before they were born, one would become deputy after the father and then leader with the chosen partner as deputy, and one would be a medicine cat. Emberkit wasn't incapable of being a warrior, he was quite big and strong like his brother actually, but someone had to fill that role and, after carefull observation, they decided his brother had slighly bigger paws.

Emberpaw ended up growing as a very sad and bitter cat, resenting his parents greatly for having him train as a medicine cat and his brother as a warrior. He had a good mentor though, who helped him actually enjoy his job and taught him the importance of the role of the medicine cat. This only made him resent now not only his parents, but the whole of his clan even further. He was now not only just as strong and capable as his brother but now he was obviously much wiser, and had a bond with starclan no warrior could ever had. Emberashes was happy as a medicine cat, but in his eyes, he was meant to be more.

When tragity struck and the clans were plagued, his whole family was affected, he took this opportunity to poison his brother. He didn't have to do that with his parents though, cats were dying left and right faster than they could heal and soon his mentor died as well. Emberashes had the whole clan on his paws now, and he managed to save the remaining cats. He had a strange habit of swallowing the herbs and trying out their effects, so he wasted a lot but eventually figured out the right mix to prevent more cats from dying. In exchange for his mixture he also got the other clans to help stock up prey. Emberashes believed he had proven himself as the superior and most clever cat in the clan, and proven to his clanmates he should be leader instead, Starclan didn't aproove of him but no one needed to know about that now did they?

Emberstar is the start of a new era in Thunderclan, in ALL of the clans, and they will adhere to his methods or face the doom brought upon by Starclan itself.


Some facts about him:

>He was originally created as for a roleplay/webcomic deviantart group called fateclans! You can check out his old application here! Disclaimer: I was 12 and had no idea how ableist his character description was, I do not condone my actions back then.

>He used to have a crush on a clanmate, and after finding out she had kits with a rogue he killed her. This reflects on him enforcing the warrior code very intensely and giving horrible punishments for those that break it.

>His apprentice, Foxpaw, was chosen because he's the son of said clanmate, and he believes this is a way for him to redeem himself.

>Since he wasn't approved by Starclan, he doesn't actually have 9 lives. He's very worried this and about not effectively managing to make his legacy last.

>Once the clans overthrow him, he poisons himself to get back at them. He doesn't go to Starclan.

>He very rarely shows his angry and bitter side, instead always talking to people sweetly, Foxpaw has to experience the worst parts of him.

>His favorite herb is catmint

>He's cishet and proud homophobe, that's not a plot point and LGBT+ people arent oppressed in my story cus I don't wanna write about that but if he could be homophobic he absolutely would

>He very much believes the consumption of herbs is mandatory in the training of a medicine cat