Angelic beasts



5 years, 9 months ago


9538381_qDWqj0xsGPD3wJN.pngAngelic Beasts

Loyal angelic companions




Average Height


Average Weight



Do not eat

Location Found

Alongside angels


Angelic beasts exist in the celestial plane, and alongside their angelic companions


They behave similar to a very loyal dog or horse, that's better at following commands than those animals. 

Group Organization

They are solitary/only bond with their angel

Hunting & Diet

Angelic beasts have no need to eat as supernatural entities. 


Angelic beasts cannot reproduce through any standard means. They are born from the souls of loyal animals who have passed away. 

Life Cycle

Angelic beasts do not have a life cycle, they are fully formed as new adult creatures when their souls leave their mortal bodies, and exist until their angel is taken from them. Killing one without the other is very difficult. 


Angelic beasts are souls/supernatural entities, and don't really have health complications. Though, oddly, they've been known to have their own form of feather-cold. This is mild and mostly just sneezing.


They communicate in whines and song-like hums. Sometimes, they make a bell-like noise, usually when trying to get their angel's attention. They can often understand commands under the  common tongue or the language of their angel- if properly trained to do so. 


Angelic beasts refers to a distinction of creatures that are the souls of dearly departed loyal pets (steeds, dogs, ect) that refuse to leave their owners, even after deaths. Dedicating themselves loyally to the causes of their owners as they traverse into the realm of the afterlife and become angels themselves. Their primary purpose is to do good in the world, and they will pursue this dedicatedly.

They are very attached to their owners and will never leave their sides. If the angel moves on in the reincarnation cycle or is permanently destroyed, their angelic beast will also cease to exist since they have such a deeply rooted bond.

Their form varies, as they are capable of changing it to suit their owner's needs. They can act as steeds, combat creatures, shoulder or pocket companions, or even take a humanoid-esque form if they need hands. They are not, however, sentient to the same level as humans (They are still animals).

 They are capable of being given telepathic messages by their owner, giving them a greater ability to follow commands, though them acting of their own accord and ignoring their owner if they think something is a threat is not unusual either. 

If they pass away before their owner, they will wait dilligently at the gates to the celestial plane for their arrival. 


Angelic beasts are creatures given power by the goddess Serafina to act as companions to her angels. They are spirits who were loyal and kind animals/creatures in their lifetime, and so were granted higher intelligence and their new forms in death. They are smart, loyal, and obedient creatures who gladly serve their partners. They are able to change their form to suit the current needs, but are almost always white and blue. They lack the sentience of humans-in the sense they cannot talk/ and are still considered smart animals rather than socially-adept beings. 

They will not only serve angels, but  provided they are permitted they will gladly aid mortals and humans as well. They are typically very kind and given the chance will gladly share their kindness. They typically attach to one 'owner'/rider, and will follow them until killed or forcefully separated.