


4 months, 7 days ago


Umeko (unknown surname) was Theta Leader Denki Inoue's younger sister.

Umeko,  like all her siblings, never knew her father, and was raised by her  older brothers and her single mother. Her mother doted on her when she  was young and would shower her in affection and attention. Similarly,  both her older brothers Ryosuke and Denki were protective of her, and  would always be there when she would cry. Umeko was an assertive girl  who would follow her big brothers around. She was very intelligent and  could think logically in most situations. Even when she was wrong about  something she would learn from it and be right the next time. She was  fascinated about the world and loved to learn about how things functioned  and why things worked the way they did. She would always ask her  brothers to teach her but even her mother didn't know how to read or write, so she had to make do with what little she could. She dreamed of one day going to school and learning to read so that all the world's knowledge would be available to her.

She could  be bossy at times, copying the way her mother acted, and was always  telling the boys to behave and to not get them into trouble. She felt  like she had to look out for Denki especially, who was always getting  them into sketchy situations. She watched over him just as much as he  watched over her. Denki would sometimes do things that made Ryosuke cry,  and Umeko would have to stand up for him. Despite all their  shenanigans, she loved her brothers dearly and enjoyed this time with  them. When she got older her mother tried to teach her to be graceful  and gentle, but Umeko was too far gone at that point and didn't have any  interest in being a fragile lady like her mother was.

When she was seven eyo, her dream seamed to be coming true. She and her little sister were boarded up in a carriage alongside other girls their age and taken away to the land of Beta. Umeko was nervous to leave her small village and her family, it was all she had ever known. But the promise of being able to live and work for a wealthy Betan family made her excited. As they sat in the back of the bumpy carriage Umeko held her baby sister's little hands and told her that they would have happy lives where they were going. She imagined their future of wealth and prosperity, working for fancy people, learning to read and write and one day the two of them would save up their money and return to their home and surprise their brothers and their mother with all their savings. Then they would all be happy.

This is not the future that was awaiting them.

Denki Inoue does not know what happened to his sisters after they left the village. However, he has seen the harsh conditions the Thetan slaves were subjected to. Even those who lived and worked in mansions had their freedoms stripped from them and were controlled by their masters. He fears for his sisters lives, and worries for them each and every day. Since the war has ended, Denki has set all his power to taking back every man woman and child that has been enslaved, and providing a new life for them in Theta. He hopes he will find Umeko and Meimei and they will be free and safe with him one day.


After being sold into slavery in Beta and separated from her sister Meimei, Umeko was trained to be a hand maid. She was smart and learned quickly. She didn't enjoy being a maid but the found out what would happen if she disobeyed or did poor in her work very quickly. She was an intelligent child who knew what needed to be done to ensure her safety. She worked for the same family for a long time. It was a wealthy nobleman in northern Beta. She grew up with them as a hand maid for their daughter. She became like a friend to the rich duchess, and when the duchess was taught mathematics and reading, Umeko paid close attention and picked up these skills as well. Because of her literacy she was able to quickly move up the ranks of the other slaves and became very valuable to her owners. All the while that she worked for them, Umeko was regularly treated poorly by the Duke of the house, and she would be forced into uncomfortable situations by him. She hated him and plotted his death in secret. For a while she planned to escape but when she thought hard about it, she saw no safe way to get away. Even if she could leave the home, escaping the foreign nation and navigating to a place that was safe would be impossible for her. Whenever a new slave would come into the house Umeko would show them the ropes and protect them from the Duke. She loved to teach the young ones, and would make a point to show them math and reading as much as she could to try and give them a better chance. She was a natural teacher and care giver. Even if an escape route became open to her, she would not feel right leaving without the children who relied on her, so she stayed.

When her lady came of age, she was set up in an arranged marriage to a Baron in a neighboring city. Umeko, as her hand maid, came with her when she was married. This new household was horrid. The slaves kept there were treated much worse than in Umeko's previous environment. She caught the eye of the Baron and was singled out by him. Not only was the Baron cruel to the slaves, but he was also cruel to his new wife as well. Umeko could not stand the treatment she was getting from the Baron so she took her lady and ran with her away from there. They took with them several of the other slaves the Baron had who were healthy enough to escape with them.

With the help of the duchess, who was able to pass as the slaves' owner in public, they were able to reach the border of Alpha and Beta and cross over. The duchess decided not to cross into Alpha, fearful of the harsh deserts, so she remained in the Beta region to start a new life as a commoner. Umeko and the slaves she ran with crossed into the dangerous deserts to escape Beta. It was a long and harsh trek to the nearest city and some of them did not survive. They were starving, injured and near death when they were found and saved by a member of the Church of Quat Al Tamut.

They teach at the church to protect the weak and give your strength to those around you, and as such the leaders of the church take in children off the street and lend aid to the unfortunate. They did the same for the four thetans that came to them in need. After nursing them back to health the Church offered work and lodging to the thetans which they greatfully accepted. For a long time Umeko worked for the church. While the other thetans mostly did cleaning and manual labor, she was intelligent and learned the teachings of Quat quickly. She was hired as a teacher and caretaker for the young orphans in the church.

She heard of the news of Theta and their civil war, but she had been a citizen of Alpha for a long time and no longer considered herself Thetan. She was disinterested in the conflict and only heard of it through gossip and headlines. When the alpha king took on the Thetan Rebels, she was on the side of Alpha, hoping that things could end quickly. She did not recognize Denki or realize that he was her brother.

While she was not working she got interested in Kamilan Street Fighting, and befriended a popular fighter. He was a strong young man called Fenikin. Fenikin took a liking to Umeko and taught her the way of Street Fighting. She picked it up quickly and used fighting with him as a way to get out her pent up fristrations and emotions that plagued her from her difficult life. She became very close with Fenikin and shared her past with him. He urged her to compete, and she eventually agreed. She became well known in the city as a new and promising fighter and the two of them competed together in tournaments.

Tragedy struck when the anti-Tamut faction started to riot outside of the church where Umeko worked. The rioters quickly became violent and she and her fellow Thetans fought off the rioters in an attempt to save the lives of those they charished and to protect their home. Umeko used her skill as a fighter to fend off the attackers. Fenikin was coming to visit her when he saw the attack. He quickly came to aid them but was too late to stop the brunt of the damage. Umeko urged him to get the authorities while she helped the children and the ill escape the fires. Umeko was caught up in the brawl and took down several rioters before the cops showed up and arrested everyone on site.

After being taken into custody she was told of her relationship to the new Thetan Ruler. She was shocked, and could not believe that the horrid Rebel Leader she knew of was her own older brother. She does not know how she should feel about this. All she wants to think about right now is her home, and the safety of those she loves.