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"Aim for the heart, shoot to kill"

Reward: 100GP

Name: Clank
Class: Fighter
Species: Goblin
Theme: 16 Tons
Prns: She/Her
Role: DPS
Origin: Their origin
Alignment: Chaotic neutral


Clank is a little shithead. She's had a rough life, and she's not interested in making life easier for anyone else. She's a gunslinger through and through. She likes making money and keeping her money. Seriously, she will do almost anything for a quick buck and haggles like theres no tomorrow.


Clank owes a large debt to a very powerful man back home, one that she'll repay no matter what the cost. She's been working to earn as much as she can for the past three years now. Once, she trusted someone to work beside her and help her reach her goal. Once, she learned a valuble lesson. Don't trust anyone but yourself, especially not with money or secrets. Nowadays, she keeps her cards close to her chest, and allies at arms length.


Power 1

Have gun, will travel. Also, she can be very persuasive for someone with negitive charisma.


Clank (Fullbody ref) fubeqONn_t.png

Via AbeejasArts on instagram

Clanks fullbody reference drawn by the talented Bees (AbeejasArts)

Wanted:Preferably Alive
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Clank's wanted poster from God's Mistake

Turns out the Duchess doesnt like people who turn traitor, no matter how good a worker they were.

Clanks Tattoo
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Clanks Tattoo via AbeejasArts

Clanks Tattoo on her neck, designed and drawn by the talented Bees (AbeejasArts)


  • Clank once shot a ship so well it fixed itself. Clank enjoyes explaining how her inventions work, but will only ramble to people that she likes.