Sir Sleepyhead



1 month, 6 hours ago


🌙 The sleepiest knight 🌙

Name Sir Dormir Z. Sleepyhead II
Aliases Sir Sleeps-A-Lot, Good Knight, Nighty Knight, ...
Age Unknown
Gender Male
Pronouns he/him
Species eepy little guy
Role Knight


🌙 ace ⭐️ incredibly friendly 🌙 very much an optimist ⭐️ travels the land a lot 🌙 loves napping ️⭐️ will sometimes randomly doze off, even if currently doing something 🌙 can fall asleep practically anywhere, and can be somewhat difficult to wake ⭐️ no one is really quite sure what is under the armor, but most seem to trust him anyways 🌙 is against lethal force, unless deemed absolutely necessary ⭐️ often uses the blunt end of his axe to attack, the sharp end's for choppin' stuff 🌙 his quilt cape can act as a shield, able to block most attacks; if concealed under it, one can be rendered temporarily invisible to any immediate hostile beings ⭐️ is a big fan of plants in general, but particularly loves flowers 🌙 did indeed complete his quest to find the enchanted pillow, only, the dragon was using it for their hatchlings so he left it ⭐️ absolutely uses stupid sleep related one-liners before doing something cool 🌙 yes, he snores. a lot.. ⭐️ would lend a helping hand for even the most simple of tasks 🌙 very selfless, to an almost reckless point ⭐️ has almost no self-preservation 🌙 curious by nature, and loves learning new things ⭐️ foolishly trusting, and guilty of being fairly gullible 🌙 doesn't really have nightmares, but on the rare occasion he does, they affect him deeply, almost like a physical wound ⭐️

"hoOnk shooo hoOnk shoooo0.."

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