Sir Sleepyhead's Comments

night knight oh my ;^;

 ⭐️🌙Hey, you! Yes, you!🌙⭐️

Want a ~free~ sketch of your character with this lad? 👀

Reply to this comment with a character and how you think they’d interact and I may sketch it in my free time >:’0

OMG he's such a cute little lad 😭😭😭😭 I see Elle watching over Sir Sleepyhead while he takes a nap, maybe joins him too since his sleepiness is just that contagious!!!

OoooOoo!! Pretty! ;o;
and that sounds adorable! I’ll absolutely have to sketch this!

A few quick question, what’s their personality like ( just so I can capture them right), also are they regular person sized? (Just thought I’d ask in case lol)

Elle personality is sweet and caring! She's shy of new people! And she's pixie sized!

oOoo! ✦✦ I love this sleepy lad! : D

Anyhow- my boy's VERY energetic and abit eccentric-- with a "high on life" attitude. Surprisingly friendly despite being an avid lawbreaker.

Was born with a thought-to-be terminal illness-- upon discovering that said supposed "illness" wouldn't actually the death of him- he decided to dedicate his newfound life to chasing exhilaration.

Exhilaration, specifically, in the form of fighting.

Has become incredibly strong (*especially* for his age)- and now pesters any-one/thing whose even remotely powerful into sparring with him-- including our beloved Sir Sleepyhead!

I..- can't imagine the knight being all that gung-ho about fighting some random teen though...

My lad will continue trying to pick a fight regardless- how Sir Sleepyhead responds is ultimately up to you ^-^

ooOOOoo!! What a very neat buddy ;o;

I actually love this prompt, lots to throw around in my brain-thoughts lol

Couple of questions, just so I get everything right, and to think of stuff:
The "closed eye" look is part of his design, right?
What height is this buddy (like general height; ex. average/short/tall/etc)?
What sort of combat style would you say he has? (I think Sleepy here has a very defensive style)
So I noticed your sketches said 'any' shape, so hims arms can also be like normal arms, or better yet, weapons? lol

Either way, thank you for throwing your fella at me, and I can't wait to get sketching on some stuffs ;o;

  • Yup!- his eyes are almost always closed! ^-^ 
  • Around average- 5'7 would work fine.

  • *SUPER* offensive- style is very reminiscent of boxing, with lots of care plus focus put into his movement and punches. Firmly believes in "offense IS your defense".

    Goes for quality *and* quantity!-- such effort is exhausting- but his frequent burst training means he's built up enough stamina to endure through average length fights.

    Another added benefit from his powers-- is that he *never* misses long range shots (as long as said shot is even possible)......--- though, he finds it much more fun to punch someone- so he often ignores that tidbit.

    Absolutely not afraid to knock your lights out!-- but he isn't the biggest fan of drawing unnecessary blood... He wants a fun fight, not to watch someone slooooowly bleed out.....

  • Mhm!-- his whole powerset revolves around basically "shapeshifting" his arms ✦✦ For close range fighting, he usually prefers using blunt, yet stretchy, shapes (his favorite being boxing gloves on springs ((which is what's featured in *most* of his references!))).

    As for long range- his power is intricate enough to form simplified/basic firearms (hah, firearms). He generally avoids using piercing shots-- unless he believes he's in genuine danger.

SLEEPY KNIGHT??!!- I'm in love already!

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Bursting into tears

A total dreamie

this is such a great concept and silly character, I love it

The concept is genius and the execution is so lovely!!

waa!! so pretty!! i hope they get a lovely home

gotta be Laios in the armor fr


he looks so cozy i love him

he just like me fr