used for my kittycat!! i love all the bases you do FR!

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Eee np! Glad you like them :D

used for little fucker :)

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I animated it on Procreate

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No problem, enjoy!

Look at my pfp ;)

Aw yee!!

Thanks so much for putting this base out! <3


And thank you so much for using it! ^^

How many frames per second are there in this animation?

6 or 8

Hi! I don't understand English well, so I use a translator. I didn't understand the rule, how do I mark you as an author, but so as not to clog up your gallery?

Во заслугите на изведувачот каде што вообичаено би го напишале името на уметникот, кликнете на етикетата десно на горниот дел од полето за текст. Потоа копирајте ја врската до страницата на изведувачот и залепете ја во полето за текст. После тоа, можете да продолжите со поставувањето на сликата. Дозволете ми да знам ако имате какви било прашања! Користам и преведувач.

I used it and oml its so cute fkghjfldzhgkjh

Eeheh, thank you for using it!

thank you for providing such a cute base! ^^

Ee, you're welcome! ^^

Is there psd version? 👀

I can't post psd files here, sorry!

Is there one on ur kofi by chance 👀

Not of this style (yet), but I have plenty of image bases on there!

SOOO Ive used one of your bases before, but when I used it I just imported the seperate images into ibispaint animation and scaled it to fit. It worked but your watermark kept shifting around and it looked messy. Is there a correct way I'm supposed to do it? Thanks again for posting another great base!

You would need to scale every frame at the same time, not separately. This way you avoid inconsistent placements on the frames.

You can also remove my watermark and only add it at the end so it's lined up properly. ^^

Ik I'm not the base creator but I also use ibis paint, I would recommend screenshotting the numbers of the zoom, angle, y and x translations, etc and exactly copying it when resizing each image! Make sure to resize/zoom the image then do the x and y translations or the watermark will still shift as the images are slightly different sizes (I think?). I hope this helps, I do this because I have/had the same problem :3! If there's anything you don't understand I can re word stuff (Screenshot of what I mean by zoom, y and x translations, etc)


Oh wow thank you very much! I'm more of a visual learner so I was a little confused with the words but once you showed the image I completely understand now :) Thanks for taking time out of ur day for me! Have a great one! just a heads up you got this frame labeled as 6 instead of 8

Oh! Thank you! Will fix that when I get back home from traveling.

ahhhhhh ty so much for making these TvT I love animation so much but I'm not very good at it so these are life saver!!!

I hope these get you started and eventually you have courage to animate on your own! ^^

I’m gonna try and use this! I struggle so much with animation, but ur bases are always so cuteee

Thank you!

And hopefully my bases allow you to test out animation so you have the courage to animate on your own in the future ^^

Waaa tysm!

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leave some for others!!!

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Ee thank you ;u;

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OMG THIS IS SO CUTE… i might try and use this !!!

Aw yea :D


Ee thanks!

this is so cute!! do you ever plan on doing bases like these without the ears/tail?

Depends, it is easier for the user to erase than draw the lines, so if someone wants the base without the ears, it's easy just to erase them ^^

makes sense!! ty ^^

if you don't mind me asking, what did you use for the frame rate on this base?

I believe it was 6fps




use it someday >:D

>:3c do it


Make a new character? 👀

1 Replies
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Thanks >u<

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