[OTA] OPEN's Ownership

Please read the Characters FAQ for further information on permissions and original ownership!


Character Permissions

Can be regifted
Cannot be retraded
Cannot be resold

Design Terms of Use

BL1TZ Global Rules

- Please do not sell my designs for more than you have payed. Commissioned art = added value. Owner's art = added value. Gifted/Traded art does not equal added value

- Worth goes away if the design is traded rather than sold, the worth is whatever the new owner bought it for

- If you bought something from me for DA points, it's worth is using the translator of 100 points = 1 USD

- If you bought something from me for a voucher, it's the worth of said voucher (if I gave multiple things for said voucher, each is worth an equal percent, ex. 2 art pieces for 20 dollars means each piece is worth 10 dollars)

- Redesigns are ok! Please keep the designs mildly similar

- Gifting is always ok

- Please do not trade designs you got for free unless they have non-gifted added art