Otowa Sakyou



5 years, 7 months ago



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『 The homeroom teacher of class 1-S. She is also the music teacher. Always calm and collected, she carries herself with an air of elegance. 』

PERSONALITY (slightly edited from original as she has been aged-up)

♪ shrewd, organised, refined, observant, loyal

𝄆 mysterious, serene, elegant, mature

♮ calculative, extremely traditional

Sakyou may seem like a typical 'yamato nadeshiko' at first glance, however she likes to think of herself as more than just that. She has a shrewd mind as she can devise strategies and ideas with ease, due to immense amounts of past studying.

Always organised, she makes sure to manage herself, her time, and her life accordingly to how she pleases. She's strict with her schedule, and believes in following it to gain the utmost efficiency out of her time.

Sakyou is refined in the way that she is well-versed in good mannerisms. She dislikes the uncouth and prefers to present herself in the best state possible.

She is very observant, and often detects details that others may fail to realize. Nevertheless, she does not like to give others the answers they seek - rather, she would allow them to dwell on their own thoughts and figure it out themselves.

Her sense of loyalty dwells within her words; she is someone who will certainly keep promises without fail and will not go back on her word. Even so, one must be sure to be specific with their words when making a promise with her (i.e. on a lighter note, just because you made her promise not to eat ice cream, doesn't mean she won't eat ice blocks).

Sakyou does not like to reveal too much about herself, unless asked, so she may come off as a mysterious person at first. She has a serene atmosphere surrounding her, as elegance is ever-present in both personality and actions. Contrary to this, she has an acid sense of humor.

In regards to a display of her maturity, she will not hold grudges against people and is a graceful loser, as she knows when to accept her defeat graciously.

Sakyou's also good with her choice of words, and she's equally good with remaining silent as well.

On the negative side, Sakyou is extremely calculative as she never fails to judge others based on first impressions and presumption. She tends to over-assume a lot, which may lead her to getting the wrong idea of others.

Extremely traditional old-fashioned ways of clothing, mindset, and values etc.


𝄢 Reading literature

𝄢 Chess & Go; strategy board games

𝄢 Kanzashi hair pins

𝄢 Ancient Chinese feathered fans

𝄢 Ikebana

𝄢 Memorising famous author quotes & proverbs


♯ People who waste time

♯ Those who don't appreciate music or literature

♯ Dirt

♯ Narrow places

♯ Messy hair

♯ Bustling places


♬ Last name: Otowa 音羽 (sound wings), First name: Sakyou 咲京 (blooming capital)
♬ Usually has her eyes closed, it's a wonder how she sees anything at all
    ♪ Until this very day, no one has seen her with her eyes open
♬ Her manner of speaking is concise, yet comprehensive; however she speaks in an old fashioned yet proper way - refuses to use any slang
♬ She is quite fond of books, particularly "Romance of the Three Kingdoms" and Osamu Dazai’s "No Longer Human"
♬ Idolises Zhuge Liang
♬ Although she is capable of playing a variety of instruments, she is most familiar with traditional ones. Her main instrument of use is the koto or guzheng; however for convenience, she carries a smaller, portably similar instrument with her at all times, the guqin
♬ Very talented at ignoring people, one may call it her forte
♬ Is good at eavesdropping and picking up on whispers/mutters, thanks to her sharp ears

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Theme song(s)
「天泣」- rain from a cloudless sky -
♪ Sun Quan the Emperor