


28 days, 15 hours ago




Name: Kyriaki

Height: 5'5 (165cm)

Age: Doesn't Matter The Fog Is Coming! 😂

Pronouns: they/them

Species: Human

Birthday: Doesn't Matter The Fog Is Coming! 😂

Occupation: NEET

Kyriaki is a frail bundle of nerves. Due to past experiences, they've become a social recluse who goes out of their way to avoid leaving their room and mostly spends time tooling around on their computer and playing video games. As a result, they have glass bones and paper skin and constantly get injured over the smallest things. In an attempt to pass this off as a charm point, Kyriaki invested in colored bandaids...

Their ability to communicate with other people in real life is in the gutter due to their anxiety disorder. Kyriaki notoriously struggles to express their thoughts and feelings out loud. However, if you're able to work past all the barriers, they are a kindhearted person who could talk about their interests for hours without noticing.

There's a rumor that they have a completely different personality online, though...


Kyriaki was born and raised in Greece. Even though they came from a family of magi and possessed decent magecraft talent, they lacked passion for it and wanted to pursue computer engineering instead. As much as their parents wanted them to continue the family craft, they begrudgingly allowed them to go to university to study computer science instead.

While studying at their university, Kyriaki bonded with one of their classmates over shared interests. Their classmate was a girl roughly around their age. For what felt like the first time in their life Kyriaki felt like they had found someone who understood them and let them express themself with no fear of judgement. The two quickly became close friends and eventually decided to move into an apartment together. Kyriaki reflects on this period as the happiest point in their life.

Life together was bliss for a few years, until one night their place was broken into and ransacked by a magus accompanied by familiars taking form of white wolves. Upon hearing the destruction from another room Kyriaki went into hiding, hoping they could get their friend to join them as quick as possible. However, right as she was able to locate them, the magus burst into the room. After a lengthly confrontation, the magus, unsatisfied with the answers he was receiving, had her torn apart by his familiars and then left. Kyriaki, unable to cry out at what they had just witnessed, fainted immediately. It's unknown what the magus was looking for or whether or not he ever noticed Kyriaki in the first place.

Kyriaki moved back in with their family following this incident. A shadow of their former self, they quietly withdrew from society and became a shut-in. It's too dangerous to go outside. Nowhere is truly safe. It's too dangerous to get too close to other people. It's too easy to lose them at the drop of a dime. You'll just wind up getting hurt in the long run. Over and over these thoughts looped in their mind.

Their parents attempted to be supportive at first, but got fed up with them after months of watching Kyriaki rot away in their room. Since letting them pursue their dream had proved futile, it was time for them to return to magecraft one way or another. Revisiting a recruiment letter Kyriaki had once received, their parents got into contact with Chaldea and enrolled them behind their back. Heartbroken by this betrayal, but too depressed to protest or do anything about it, Kyriaki soon left for Chaldea.


  • Fate/Grand Order OC
  • Their designated servant is Pretender Oberon
  • Their room is a hellhole between their combined efforts
  • Has a fear of dogs (can tolerate small breeds)
  • Has a pet snake named Big Boss who is neither big nor a boss
  • They're actually good at cooking, but due to their current lifestyle they just mostly survive off of potato chips and insta-ramen instead
  • Baklava is their comfort food
  • Kyriaki's name day is July 7th. Their birthday is TBD
  • They're incredibly self conscious about their eyes and grew their bangs out for this reason
  • Tentative voice claim is Tomo Muranaka as Wild Mane (Arknights)

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