

5 years, 8 months ago



◇  .personality. personality. personality. ◇


❝  Quote maybe or just a blurb. Quote maybe or just a blurb. OR DELETE IT IDK.❞


Empty space for whatever you want. While typing in here you need to use SHIFT+ENTER keys instead of just the ENTER key when you want a line break (Idk whyyy). You can change the size of this box by CTRL+F in the code for 500px.
Change the background image -- the site https://unsplash.com/ has free-use high resolution photos or use your own - please do not take photos off of google image it's not cool ! In the the background section of the code just replace my URL with the url you want. You can change my background position (the words "center center") to try and get it in a different position too - options are top,center,bottom for vertical alignment and left,center,right for horizontal alignment.
Change the left dog to your own image >> just delete the dog and in the toolbar there is a little button with a picture of a mountain and sun - use that to insert a new image.

9158310_GDv044TQvmTHa6u.png?1534706314◇ If you want to add images that your text floats around add style="float:right;" inside the brackets of your image code. And you can change the left to a right if you'd rather it sit on the other side. Look for the code of this dog image to see how it should look.


◇ It's silly but I copy and paste my special characters from this website

http://www.neopets.com/~Blauenc - It's nicely organized if you want little sparkles and decorations like the diamonds I'm using.
◇ The chart on the left can be edited with the table tool tip pop up. This popup allow you to add and take away rows, change colors, add borders, etc.
◇ Credits are at the bottom - please if you use other people's images add it to the credits section. If you want to edit this code at all feel free to, or to frankenstein it with other codes, or just grab pieces of it or whatever it's fine.

 Layout code base by Bside - BACKGROUND FROM unsplash.com/@ch0p1n