


5 years, 7 months ago


Nickname Seb
Birthday 9 September ♍
Age 19-20
Height Around 180-184cm
Gender Male
Species Hybrid
Ethnicity American
Blood Type A+
Orientation Bisexual
Occupation Student, photographer

Status Alive | Single
Worth $15 [+$0 USD]

"I wish we had more time."

Nine is the son of a death god-demon hybrid and possibly a fallen angel or nephilim woman. Technically, he is a prince of the Underworld through his father's bloodline but he doesn't seem to be aware of it possibly due to having his memories manipulated. He is generally calm, friendly and shy but can be sassy when annoyed. He is also quite empathetic and sensitive, not only crying when he is hurt but for others too. He has a creative side and enjoys art and photography, usually carrying a sketchbook and camera as well as a scrapbook journal he likes to decorate and write about his day or feelings in.

During his childhood, he unknowningly activated his death sense - the ability to perceive a coming death or one that just happened. Initially his powers were very weak and the most he felt was an uneasy feeling or bad vibe when someone nearby might die. Not long after gaining his senses he was able to see how much time others had left to live. The numbers he sees change depending on the actions and decisions people make. His powers are still not at their full potential and he is not able to always predict deaths but he will occasionally get premonitions when he makes contact with someone. In some cases, he has changed the numbers of someone's clock by intervening thus altering their fate.

Because he doesn't have full control of his abilities, he isn't able to completely shut off his senses. Even if he chooses not to see everyone's clock he will still feel when death is close. That being said, he cannot see everyone's clock. Numbers he can't see or read are due to an individual an immortal being, having immunity or a means to negate death sense abilities.

Aside from his death sense, Nine is also able to sense the presence of spirits and the paranormal. He also developed further psychic abilities such as barriers to protect himself and others but it seems to only activate at random when he or someone else is in danger. His abilities often makes him anxious and he is afraid to tell most people thinking they'll call him a liar or weird. He wishes to make more friends but is often too shy to approach others and mild fear of attachment due to the nature of his abilities.


Caring . Sweet . Thoughtful . Quiet . Cautious . Protective . Sensitive . Anxious . Resentful

  • Cats and animals in general
  • Rain and Night
  • Aquariums
  • Art
  • Fast food, candy and soda

  • Loud places
  • Bullying
  • Betrayal
  • Baked Beans
  • Herbal or spiced tea

  • Obtained on 12 March 2018.
  • His first name was given by his father who liked the number 9 since he considers it a lucky number but also because he was born in the 9th month.
  • Sebastian is a Latin name meaning "venerable; revered".
  • Valentine is an English name derived from the Latin word “Valentinus” which means “strong, vigourous and healthy.”
  • His father is a death god-demon hybrid. His mother is potentially a fallen angel or a nephilim.
  • He possesses Supernatural Condition, Psychic Shield and Death Sense.
  • His middle name was given by his mother.
  • Nine's middle name and surname both consist of 9 letters.
  • His eyes are cobalt blue.
  • He was born in San Francisco, California.
  • His hobbies are skating, swimming, gaming, drawing, magic tricks, listening to music and photography.
  • He likes sour tastes like vinegar, citrus and sour candy.
  • He likes aquariums because it makes him feel relaxed.
  • His favourite kind of music are synthwave, retrowave, lo-fi and rock.
  • He has an eyebrow piercing on his right brow, an auricle piercing on his right ear, 2 lobe piercings and a helix piercing on his left ear.
  • He has a tattoo of stars on the right side of his neck.
  • He has a black cat named Chance.