


5 years, 9 months ago







Race: Ymir
Role: Gardener
Orientation: Queer
Sign: Libra
Alignment: Chaotic Good
Flower: Peony


  • flowers and plants
  • swimming
  • rearranging her furniture
  • going on dates


  • hot summer-temperatures
  • emotional overwhelming situations
  • animal-products (100% vegan)
  • if others do not stick to her plans



Melo grew up on one of the older parts of the Ymir-Spacestaion. She lived among other Ymir and spent time with them, so that it's normal for her to be surrounded by her kind. Most of the time, her life was rather relaxed and she did not have to deal with much stress or work. Of course, she had to do something, but it was not like she ever had to overwork herself. When the station's new segment was officially opened, she applied to live there and she was accepted easily. Even though she never had problems getting in touch with others, she didn't have any really close friends, so it was easy for her to move away. At her new home, she hopes to find friends and create some bonds with others, that last longer than just a few weeks. She's not actively searching for a relationship or anything like that, but she wants to get to know the other new Ymir better and find colleagues and good friends. Since some of the other Ymir at this part of the station have not lived among other Ymir before, it's an interesting situation for her to have a special experience.
She is an overall rather grounded character with a tendency to disorganisation. Her wish to create long-lasting friendships could probably get in the way when she tries to hard or doesn't try at all because of a small fear of failing. Melo also has some kind of inferiority complex when it comes to her body. She has a tiny and slender built and everything on her body is small, from her breasts to other body-parts...


Melo is an Ymir. The Ymir are a species from the novels and stories of Martina Kald, published by Littera Magia. There is an official Facebook-Group where fans of Martina's Sci-Fi-Worlds can create official Ymir-Characters, which have a chance, to possibly appear in the official stories someday. There also are tons of quests and events in this group, which works like other Closed Species (except for the fact that they're actually linked to a published, official universe). I created Melo as an MYO (=make your own)-Character for this group, so she's an official Fan-Ymir. It is only possible to create an Ymir when buying/winning an MYO-Slot, Custom-Design or pre-made Adoptable, so do not make your own without an official permision.
