


30 days, 19 hours ago


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Name Jeriath
Age Ancient and immortal
Gender Male, he/him
Species The age-old of soul magic
Status Held in captivity


65 cm / 25.6 inches at the shoulder. Jeriath's fur is long and silky, and his build is very lean, quite withered, even. His pointed ears are torn and he has scars on his muzzle. His eyes are deep blue and piercing. His magic lock is a silver necklace with a blue gem that's always glowing. The magic lock is a part of Jeriath and his appearance, so he can't take it off.


Jeriath is the age-old of soul magic. He and the four other age-olds were an inseparable team a long time ago, but once Jeriath's pride and hunger for power grew, he followed his own path and eventually all the age-olds were separated. The joke was on Jeriath - the ordinary dogs that he trained to become more powerful in the art of controlling soul magic and stealing magic, eventually became powerful enough to control their master. Jeriath was captured in a small cave with no means to get out.

Jeriath is cold, calculating and extremely perceptive, as he precisely memorizes every little detail in other dogs he meets. He acts in a calm manner and doesn't get provoked easily - though he gets frustrated quite often and has short outbursts of rage. His sense of humour is dark and dry, and he can appear quite intimidating.

Jeriath used to be proud, ambitious and confident, but now, after being held in captivity for many years, he's nothing like he was before. He's still incredibly powerful, but he can't use magic at all - the descendants of his former apprentices have only strengthened the spell over the years. But Jeriath hasn't completely given up yet... he still has a flame burning inside him.

Fun character facts

  • Created in 2016.
  • Jeriath hasn't appeared or mentioned yet in our on-going comic project Victims, but I already love him a ton and I have all kinds of plans for him. ^^

Nope, nothing

I keep this here just in case. Hackerman 100

Nope, nothing2

I keep this here just in case. :3 Hello stranger!

Nope, nothing, part 3

I keep this tab here too, just in case for an easy access. :3 Hello stranger!