Petunia Cookie



28 days, 15 hours ago


Petunia Cookie


Duchess Petunia Cookie of House Pivoine

[ Milady, P.I ]

[ Adult (33) ]

[ March 7, 17XX ]

[ Female ]

[ She/her ]

[ Lesbian ]

[ Support/Rear ]

[ Epic ]

[ Crème Republic ]

[ Writer/Teacher ]

What could be more important than caring for the people!

Skill description (Battle of the Larynx): Right as her syllables hit the floor, Petunia Cookie’s words of encouragement flow right out of her mouth, and motivates any Cookie hearing her to stand their ground and perseverate! Each and every cookie hearing her motivational speeches feel as if they were given a boost, and be ready to face any hurdle ever. Such is the power of words- the comforting, truthful words that can only push you further!(See assest by me below)

As a heir of the prestigious House Pivoine, dressing etiquette is a requirement to appear under her best day in front of her fellow cookies! With this frilly, rococo-esque dress and hat, and this combed and curled to perfection hairstyle, Petunia Cookie is guaranteed to make all eyes fall on her! As she walks in, her presence radiates the entire room with delicacy, as her dress swirls around swiftly. A faint flowery scent can also be felt from her dough, to remind of her floral origins. And this is just one of her main garments- when it comes to grand occasions, it can happen that she would wear one of her five other main robes, the rest are all just indoor outfits she keeps for quiet days.

Sometimes, one’s heart has reasons that the mind can’t comprehend.

Likes: Shopping, fashion, frilly dresses, overly large clothes, sweet treats, the ocean and sound of waves, sailing, flowers, hanging out with other cookies


In the beginning, back at southeastern Crispia, as the berry monsters invaded the lands, all the cookie lords reunited to find a strategy to defeat their most formidable foe so far; the Tortan, a large berry beast that had taken control over most part of the territories. Lord from the House Pivoine, Anemone Cookie, initiated the battle that was meant to lead the cookie denizens to victory, but the other lords have already swooned and put their trust over the charismatic heir of the House Berry; Hollyberry Cookie. Whilst the Tortan was indeed defeated, Anemone Cookie pleaded for recognition for partaking into the victorious outcome. But the Cookies being blinded by the spotlight Hollyberry Cookie has shone upon her ignored that offer, and named this courageous heir their rightful queen, thus how was founded the Hollyberry Kingdom.

This willing decision has been transmitted throughout the generations within the House Pivoine, up to the last heir: Petunia Cookie. Contrary to her own parents, she was an charitable, outgoing and lively child, who would always try to spread good all around her, beginning by chatting with the young cookies of her kingdom, and offering her toys to those who could not afford to get some from their parents – upon discovering the reality of her act, and how adventurous she was being, they did not hesitate to keep her confined within the walls of the House Pivoine for most of the time, only allowed to see the outside world during their usual gatherings. She missed the outside world, and wished to see her peers once again, albeit those she already saw at the parties (which were always fright-inducing for the Duchess, as she would always dread the moment she would get dressed up. It was always her mother who would tighten the corset around her waist). Speaking of her relations with the other members of the House Pivoine, let us say that they were not cordial, to say the least. Her father, Pink Dahlia Cookie, has passed away in a chivalry duel, as Pink Camellia Cookie, her mother, was not delicate with her. That, ever since her childhood. She was taught from home by a domestic of the House Pivoine, and both ladies barely had any form of contact with each other, outside of the gatherings. And usually, this would be where tension would arise between the two of them.

Petunia Cookie grew tired of having to see the same cookies, over and over again, only allowed to see more of the beauty of her own kingdom on grand occasions, given by the Queen Mother herself. So much of the outside world to see… and she was missing all of it…! So, she plunged herself into novels, and lovey-dovey stories, as a form of escapism from her reality. As all the gossip from the different Berry Families reached her ears during the many gatherings of the House Pivoine, she would also get into writing, to demonstrate protesting outdated ideals, and confront them to newer positions along some companions she met during several royal banquets. At given occasions, mainly during House Pivoine's gatherings, all this inspiring and motivated youth would all reunite in Petunia Cookie's cabinet, to fuse for ideas to put on quill and paper. She planned to publish them into a pen name (P.I), however, to ensure her own security and the one of her family.

Her stories and poetry have gained so much popularity, that they have crossed far beyond the borders of the Hollyberry Kingdom, until it reached the eyes of an elected consul from a far, far region; the Crème Republic. Personally moved by her works of art, he attempted to reach the writer with thin hope of meeting them. He wrote a letter to that mysterious P.I, supposedly coming from the Hollyberry Kingdom.
The letter reached the Royal family, and soon, the ears of Petunia Cookie's companions, who warned her about the news. This was now the time- the opportunity to finally leave House Pivoine, probably for good, and live a life of her own! How exciting! But there was a problem… how could she possibly inform her mother about such a long journey, without divulging anything about P.C's true identity (being her own daughter)...?
For that, Petunia Cookie informed the Consul about her real identity, and asked him to write an invitation to visit the Crème Republic for political and commerce motives. The Consul accepted that offer, and with that arrived a golden letter to the House Pivoine. Pink Camellia Cookie, upon seeing an opportunity for the family to improve its image in the Hollyberry Kingdom landscape, accepted, though a bit reluctantly. The two ladies promised to keep contact with each other through letters, and on these solemn words, Petunia Cookie departed to the Crème Republic.

Now there, she got blown away by how fascinating and modernized this Republic was, and by the hospitality of the Consul who welcomed her in; Clotted Cream Cookie. However, she also got struck by the many flaws this place beheld, such as inequalities between the denizens on many levels. Did she get to write about it? Of course! But this time, to make her voice heard from the deepest of her mind, with the hope it would reach cookies' hearts as well. To crumbs if her family had to discover the truth and she would be disinherited- she was not inside the House Pivoine anymore. She could now move and talk freely, instead of being formatted to pull speeches after speeches to perfection. She grew herself wings and took flight to her own adulthood, and she loved it. And in addition to all this inspirational writing, she got to launch charity campaigns for all the people of the Crème Republic, hoping to unify Upper City and Lower City once and for all. And on top of that- she got to hold the hand of the Paladin she holds the closest to her heart, what was there to lose? She had the life of her dreams right at her doormat!
She would always remember the words that united the both of them, for all eternity.

“How come are you feeling such emotions towards me?”

“Because, my fair lady, I have not met another cookie quite like you. Your books have managed to bypass the sands of time, and offer new perspectives to fight for. We both have equal values that we want to give justice to. And, I find you to be rather… ravishing. I was told for so long that such tentations were sinful, but I would beg to differ. When I prayed to the Light, it has always drawn me to you. I am bound to the Light, and it led me the way to your heart – surely this implies that this kind of love I am currently experiencing is not, quite in fact, sinful, as the Light is sacred, and only good of intentions.”

Vestibulum lorem velit, venenatis vitae consequat eu, mattis mattis augue. Cras a diam enim. Aliquam erat volutpat. Fusce sit amet mauris quis justo varius pellentesque vulputate non nisl. Nam ultrices orci leo, ultricies ullamcorper dui placerat sit amet. Vivamus eu varius dolor. Aenean finibus sollicitudin orci, non pretium sem congue id. Nam vel est commodo, tempus libero et, eleifend ante.

“Such is your truth? My good friend, I must admit that I greatly admire you for your earnesty, and your righteousness in all. I have been told that you are the most radiant Paladin of all graduates combined, and I had the living proof of that statement, just now. You are quite beautiful yourself, on your own: a shower of light I would devour any day. If our hearts beat as one, then I believe it is time we unite our strengths together, and become one of the first same-sex pairs of all the Crème Republic.”

They held hands in a solemn gesture, their fingers intertwining. From this day on, they promised each other to stay by what their love truly stood for.

As her stay in the Crème Republic kept lasting, she got invited into a competition that occured at the time of her arrival, and for which they were partaking: the Triple Cone Cup. Three academies scattered across Earthbread, the Crème Knights included, reunited to participate in a championship of physical excursion and battles of wits combined. She accepted the offer, and went to meet with the three competing champions of each academy. While her affiliation with the Crème Republic led her to root for her own Paladin, Kouign-Amann Cookie, she also cheered for Prune Juice Cookie of Parfaedia, and Capsaicin Cokie of Scovillia. The last one, in particular, caught her eye, the more she got to see of him and the more they talked together. All in all, she could only do but cheer for these three young cookies, who were promised a bright future together, with a solidified friendship.

She got her big fright upon seeing the second trial, with the Hall of Mirror. As the ground turned to a scorching fire, she prayed for the well-being of the three champions- who turned out to escape safely from the flames! With the exception that Capsaicin Cookie got disqualified from the competition for reckless endangerment, which truly saddened her. She kept contact with him through writing this whole time, hoping this young cookie would find a better life ahead. Through their exchanges, she learnt that he got kicked out of his own school, and got offered a second chance in getting graduated in a far away school, on the main continent. Petunia Cookie follows that progress thoroughly, from the Crème Republic, writing letters to him on occasions!

But for now, she has many battles to lead on her own.



Petunia Cookie’s upper-class environment taught her to act stern and clench her claws at all occasions, but she decided to go against the current, as she believed that to be accepted in this world, you needed a certain open mind and thoughtfulness. While she agrees that you can stick to your ideals, she is prone to open debate and letting others around her take turns, allowing her and her listeners to share thoughts together. She is not afraid of heated debates, as she knows just how to reply back calmly, without having to bare teeth. She doesn’t mind seeing her own perceptions being clashed; on the contrary, she always learns from other cookies as she meets them, and likes to be challenged that way. She manages to remain collected at all times, at least on that topic. She also learnt to sympathize with other cookies and share emotions with them, blooming within her an empathetic nature that allows her to understand cookies, and put herself in their shoes (when she can).

She has also been proven to be a Good Samaritan. Everywhere she goes, she does her best to spread charity, which leads cookies to believe she is full of kindness. Which appears to be true, for Petunia Cookie can be seen being caring towards Cookies like her own family. Such kindness and compassion, however, can be turned against her and make her extremely gullible to anything, if she doesn’t put enough thought into it. Such an easy trap surely cannot be a foul one to fall in, for such a power of eloquence, right? Unfortunately, that’s one of her many flaws. She is perceived as rather naive to some other cookies, for putting trust too easily in anyone she meets. And oftentimes, it is too late to realize the lies she has been tangled in, so the backlash is all the most painful to her. So, when this does happen, she can find herself in a state of emotional distress, and would have the tendency to isolate herself for everything, to prevent the worst from happening.
Outside all these, Petunia Cookie is a bit of a romantic at heart as well. She may overplay all these passionate sensations palpating in her heart, and she can be seen to be straight-forward regarding that matter.

Dislikes: Any form of discrimination, indless talk/thoughts, show-offs, being force fed an opinion, bitter or moldy food like cheese, cluttered and messy piles of paper, disorganized places, long-term abandon, feeling isolated, corsets on her. She is also sensitive to yelling.


Her style is highly inspired by the rococo fashion (18th century)

She has a mole hidden behind her fan (left cheek)

Her beads necklace was offered by one of her grandparents.


161cm (Human)




me lol