


6 years, 8 days ago


"Yes? No? I don't know... I don't even care. I just want to go home."

Name: Tenebricos 

Nicknames: Tennie

Clan: Nerensis

Number : N25

Tenebricos was the village potter. He was quite skilled, and had developed several techniques and glazes of his own. During a visit to the village, trader-ponies admired his work and promised him a journeyman position, and eventual mastery in exchange for his coming with them to the Crystal Empire and teaching them some of his techniques. When this wasn't enough, the also offered metals and gems, salt and sugar, even a promise of a yearly caravan. Tenebricos really didn't want to go, but he didn't really have a choice, as this deal would benefit the village immensely.

Also, his dad was going to make him go either way.

Tenenbricos has a really rocky relationship with his dad. All he wants is for Bateleur to be proud of him, and all Bateleur wants is for Tenebricos to do his duty. Both of them blame themselves for the death of Dacel, and it overshadows their every interaction. Tenebricos didn't get along well with the other Wildlings his age. First because he was a bit of a mama's boy, and then once his adult coat came in, because between the speckles in his mane and the marking on his flank, everyone teased him about being a pony princess. In response, he would try and cover himself up with mud or clay, which really only led to further teasing. It's left him with only one real friend besides his cousin.

Since he arrived in the Crystal Empire, he has made a name for himself. The ponies treat him as a competent craftsman, and he eagerly throws himself into his work. Once he finishes his master work, however, he realizes he has no idea how to get back home. There is only one other Wildling he knows here, and he kind of hates her. But he's been gone for 2 years, and he really wants to go back to the village.