PURGE & FREEBS's Comments

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Hiii! I will totally trade the first three but im honestly a little hesitant to let goon go lol, maybe like one more halfbody or bust added on? Only if thats ok with you tho!

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I think I intended for the ref sheet to be included too, unless that’s too much. Also yes I meant the fourth character to be mentioned too oops

So in total 1 sketch/doodle, 2 chibis, 1 bust, 1 ref sheet. If you feel that’s too much I’m ok with doing one less chibi

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Yes my discord is lee418! I have a Kirby pfp, we can continue messaging on there!

1 Replies

I can offer for these fellas! 




in total I can offer a ref sheet (feral or anthro; front & back angles w a headshot) and 2 headshots ^^

That sounds awesome! 

How about a ref of Harlo? Also I’d love if a neat cowboy hat was thrown in the ref as an extra accessory, but you don’t have to :)

And I’d like the headshots of Solana and Jinx if that would work?

I’ll go ahead and put those characters in pending for ya!

Sure thing! ^^

All done and sent over! 

Okay characters are sent too! Art is amazing thx!

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This one is absolutely adorable! I can do a lil drawing in traditional (I can do digital too)


Ill do some art/trade you a character or two for Oakley and/or Wynna! (all my main art/posts/characters are on Unvale, under the same user!)

Hi can you send the link to the unvale?

What characters are available?

Any not in off limits! But will be picky with characters in the 'vip treats' world

I like hatchling 2! I’ll trade them both for him and some art, how much art seems fair?

13 Replies
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Sure! A sketch of anyone here would be awesome!

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Awesome I’ll send her over now!

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