Nakoma "The Archer"



5 years, 9 months ago

Basic Info

Full Name

Nakoma A. Ohanzee

Superhero ID

The Archer



Physical Description

Nakoma is quite tall, at only the age of 17 she reached a hight of 6'.2" and a weight of 122lbs. Her native American background gives her tan skin which is lightly dusted with freckles and excessively long Auburn-Black hair that reaches a whole 4 ft down her back. Her Grey-blue eyes highly contrast from the rest of her being and are sharp with a look of adventure and longing. She's highly muscular in her upper-body with a good, strong back and long lithe legs. Her hair is always kept neat in a braid and well taken care of, even if the rest of her appearance is sloppy. She is often seen in short sleeves, unintentionally displaying a burn scar on the back of her left arm. Said burn scar also covers the back of her left shoulder, the left side of her back and can lightly be seen on the backside of her left jaw. She also has other scars littering her body, mostly from her adventures of her childhood, and some from her acts as a vigilante.

Personality Description



- Visual Range Teleportation (VRT)

- Enhanced Vision, Strength, Speed, and Stamina


- Bow and Arrow. Her bow is uniform black with some dark green details and is collapsible to be hidden away and attached to her belt. Her arrows have black shafts with dark green fletchings as well as black heads with silver edges and green details. All of her arrows were home made by herself and have teleportation devices implanted in them that were designed by her closest friend. Her quiver is also black with dark green and purple designs and has been personalized by Nakoma to suite her

- Hunting Knife. Her knife has a beautiful dark red wooden handle that holds an 8 inch high carbon steel blade.

- Darts. Small little throwing darts, originally made to more easily transport a cure for a man made virus and is now used for carrying tranquilizer along with anything else she may need them for.

- Misc.


Her costume is mostly black with a few dark green garments thrown in here and there. A mask covers her face to hide her identity, only showing her sharp eyes. A hood rests over her head, but is kept from impeding her range of vision. The hood is detachable, special buttons and clips attach it to her dark green and black jacket, while the ends of the sleeves are also attachable to her black gloves. These gloves are also equipped with a harder substance sewn into the knuckles and a small invisible button on the side of her right pointer finger knuckle. To top it off, black jeans fit with slight knee padding and combat boots a size too large for her, but have had hidden compartments hidden within them. An "Utility Belt" wraps around her waist and also crosses over her right shoulder, just opposite of where her quiver wraps. She has her weapons and quiver set to show her as left handed, as well as using them as such, even though naturally she is right handed.


Although her powers give her great strengths, there is much more to her than her abilities. Nakoma has a sharp, tact mind and is very keen on fighting and survival skills and is quick on her feet. She has an uncanny ability to detect patterns and solve puzzles and uses it to her advantage.

-More TBD


One of her biggest weaknesses has to be technology and her lack of understanding it. Growing up in a place with limited tech, it was never part of her life until she moved to New York. Although she strives to learn as much as she can about it to help her fight TECHNIX, its still a strong low point. She is also farsighted, and, while incredible for Archery and teleporting, she has a slight problem with things close to her.

-More TBD






Her Father. (More TBD)

Quick Background

Growing up, Nakoma was born and raised in a small Alaskan town averaging at 75-90 people within its limits. She grew up with a love for the wilderness, devoting almost every hour of the day hiking and exploring, sometimes going off on her own for weeks at a time, always making sure she was back at home the day she said she would be. However, Tragedy hit her family and her town when her travelling father attempted to kill Nakoma and her mother while they were at her best friends house, burning it to the ground. With the help of a neighbor, everyone made it out alive, except her best friend Avon. She was burned severely in an attempt to save him. After spending a few months in the hospital in Seattle to recover, her mother made arrangements and the two of them went to live in New York City with a friend to escape. 8 months later, they were standing on their own feet, and while on a night out with her friends at a Stark seminar, an accident gave her her odd abilities. Ever since, she's strived to do good and help others as the vigilante known as The Archer


The Archer

Woman Of Courage


Name: Nakoma Ohanzee

Pronounciation: Nah-KOh-maah  Oh-hhaN-ZÊE

Gender: Female

Age: 17-19

Nicknames: Koma, Nikki, NO

Superhero, Vigilante

New York City, New York


  • Visual Range Teleportation (VRT) 

  • Enhanced Eyesight, Strength, Stamina, Intelligence, and Speed

  • Master Archer and Weapons Specialist

  • Master Survivalist

  • Trained Fighter


  • Bow And Arrow
  • 8" Hunting Knife
  • Tranq. Darts
  • Misc. Items

Close Allies/Partners: 

  • Spiderman

Associated Teams: N/A

Arch Enemies:

  • T.E.C.H.N.I.X
  • Night Hawk
  • Chaos
  • Toy Maker

Physical Description

Height: 6' 0" In.

Weight: 124 Lbs.

Nationality: Native American/Caucasian 

Eye Color: Sharp Grey-Sky-Blue

Hair Color: Dark Black-Auburn

Hair Length: Long. 4' 2" Past Shoulders

Extra Info: Nakoma is quite tall, at only the age of 17 she reached a hight of 6'.0" and a weight of 124lbs. Her native American background gives her tan skin which is lightly dusted with freckles and excessively long Black-Auburn hair that reaches over 4 ft down her back. Her Grey-blue eyes highly contrast from the rest of her being and are sharp with a look of adventure and longing. She's highly muscular in her upper-body with a good, strong back and long lithe legs. Her hair is always kept neat in a braid and well taken care of, even if the rest of her appearance is sloppy. She is often seen in short sleeves, unintentionally displaying a burn scar on the back of her left arm. Said burn scar also covers the back of her left shoulder, the left side of her back and can lightly be seen on the backside of her left jaw. She also has other scars littering her body, mostly from the adventures of her childhood, and some from her acts as a vigilante.

Tattoos: N/A


  • A small cut scar runs from above her left brow to just in front of her left ear. Origin: Knife, from one of The Archer's first fights
  • A Large Burn scar extends from the back of her jaw (Left), down her neck (Left), over the backside of her shoulder (Left), and down the back of her arm (Left). Origin: Fire at age 15 and the attempted rescue of her lifelong friend.
  •  More extremely minor burn scars down her leg (Left), on the palms of each of her hands, on her back, and on the bottom of both her forearms. Origin: Fire at age 15 and the attempted rescue of her lifelong friend.
  • Misc. Scrape and Cut scars along her arms, knuckles, legs, face, and feet. Origin: Youth adventures in the wilderness, Fighting (Both people and animals), and fighting as The Archer

Other Markings:

  • Freckled Skin (Face and Arms)

Personality Description

General: Nakoma is mostly known for her quiet yet snarky attitude, usually laid back and silent in situations, but never afraid to crack a sarcastic joke. She has a natural leader personality, able to take charge when a crisis arises, but is better on her own. As she likes to say it, she "Only feels lonely when around people," feeling more at home in the wild, not having to be tied down to anything but her own survival.

She is adventurous, any time she is able to explore, experience, or get herself into danger just for the fun of it, she will. The thrill of life and the awe of the world's beauty drives her will and her heart.

Her biggest problem, however, is she has trouble letting people get close to her emotionally, she partially fears getting attached. After her best friend was killed, she has especially been distant.

Habits: Nakoma tends to run off on an adventure without giving someone knowledge ahead of time, keeping her mind set on her goal. When around people, she is usually quiet, keeping to herself, but never fails to crack some smart alec comment or sarcastic joke that most of the time gets her into trouble. She is able to use both her left and her right hand freely and often uses one as much as the other, she uses this as an advantage when posing as The Archer, trying to train herself to only use her left hand as Archer, and her Right hand as regular ol Nakoma to help hide her identity.

Likes: Long walks, being alone, quiet, silence, the wilderness, animals, adventure, thrill of life

Dislikes: Noise, people, criminals, noise

Hobbies: Archery, Hiking, climbing, hunting, Fighting, writing, Listening to Music

Fears: Her Father, being trapped, her Identity, Fire (minor)





Name:Relationship:Knows The Archer's Identity?
Emaline OhanzeeMother.Nakoma is very close to her mother, even if they don't talk or see each other that often. Emaline has a lot of trust and faith in her daughter, knowing she can care for herself, but still fearing for her.No
Thomas WhiteFather.The person Nakoma hates more than anybody in the world. If ever she wanted to murder someone, he would be the first on her list. She used to love him, admire him, but all she ever sees know is the man who murdered her best friend and tried to murder her mother.No


Name:Relationship:Knows The Archer's Identity?
James WellsHer best friend, the only one she knew since her childhood. Back in their little town in Alaska, Nakoma, James, and Avon were inseparable, until James moved to New York at the age of 14 to follow his dream and better his education in Technology Science. For the longest time after moving to New York, he's the only friend Nakoma would open up toYes, even though Nakoma doesn't know it. He knows his friend better than anybody so for him, it wasn't too hard to connect the dots. However, he realizes Nakoma is worried about the discovery of her Identity, therefore, he plays dumb, acting to not know while instilling courage and good words for her that end up helping her more than he could ever know
Faith TaylorNakoma met Faith at school, at first she was quite distant to the strangely upbeat blind girl, but both of their love for music brought them close together, and the wisdom and words Faith offered her usually left her in a puzzle, but in the end, it always lifted up her spirit.No
Peter ParkerMore like acquaintances rather than friends, but the two bump into each other often both in and out of school, mostly around or after crime scenes where Spiderman is involved. At one point, she suspected Peter as being the colorfully costumed vigilante, but she mostly decided it had more to do with his job with The Daily Bugle. Still, he acts suspiciously..... No


Name:Relationship:Knows about The Archer's Identity?
SpidermanThese two vigilantes have found themselves teaming up quite often. Nakoma considers the Web Slinger a friend.No
Mr. ColemanNakoma's school Science teacher. The Archer originally sought him out as she was aware of his experience working as a top employee at Stark Industries for a number of years. With his experience, she knows the school teacher could help her fight against TECHNIX and has asked for his assistance multiple times to help her when it came to tech.No