Meira - Moon Priestess



1 month, 4 hours ago

Basic Info


Meira - the Moon Priestess

Name Meaning

“one who illuminates” or “shining”






Moon powers that include healing, protective barriers, deflection magic, purification, illusion, dream-walking, light creation (waxes and wanes in strength in relation to the phases of the moon), walking on water/reflective surfaces


A serious youngling, she loves to practice her magic and spend as much time under the moon/night sky as she possibly can


Moon priestess collar depicting phases of the moon, moon amulet, silver moon shaped jewelry/adornments. Has cervidae hooves.


From the designer (aka Nem Headcanon):  (with minor tweaks)
- Barely out of foalhood, Meira was blessed by the moon.  She was whisked away from her family to become a Priestess of the Moon in Queen Reginea’s Sacred Temple. After finishing her training and ascension ceremony, her ‘mark of the moon’ has been blessed with a fraction of the moon’s own magic, placing upon her a great power.  This magic/power fluctuates with the phases of the moon – being strongest during the full moon (though there will always be a price to pay when the new moon comes around). The moon phases are always visible through the ‘moon marking’ and assigned amulet.
Just in time to celebrate the flower moon of May, she has spent time with her fellow initiates adorning themselves with little blossom decorations. It is rare that they take a break from their studies/duties to engage in fun, so they intend to make the most of the night’s festivities.

Additional Details:
- During the New Moon (a 3-day phase/cycle that includes the night before, night of, and night after the new moon) her mane and tail turn into a dark shade that matches the night sky, with only a sliver/silhouette of her true moon-touched color that remains (in her forelocks).  
- She rarely allows others to see her during the New Moon, and is often locked away safely in the Sacred Temple with studies and projects.  
- One of the Temple Masters has hypothesized that for all the magic the moon shares/grants Meira, it then “borrows” the light of her silver mane/tail to replenish itself during the phase of the New Moon, therefore resulting in her striking, dark morphosis each lunar cycle.  But no one is truly certain why the color change happens.