Lorcan & Bellamy



Basic Info




Dullahan (Human)




Revenge Seeker






Dullahan (critter)




"I am vengeance, and I will come for all who've sinned against another. The strong and the weak alike. None shall escape me."

Rude, Temperamental, Selfish, Dependent, Outgoing, Aggressive, Cocky, Insecure, Haughty, Brash, Resentful,  Stubborn, Vengeful, Resentful, Power-hungry, Restless, Angry


Lorcan doesn't remember much of his life before becoming a dullahan, but when he woke up after being murdered, his new life began; one full of rage, regret, and vengeance. The only problem was that he couldn't remember why, or how, or who caused this.  He began to take out his anger by seeking vengeance for others he came across in his journey. That's how he met a fellow dullahan, Bellamy. He had never seen a creature like Bellamy before, but Bellamy claimed that he lost his head, and that if he found it again, he'd become a much larger, much more fearsome creature, and he'd compensate Lorcan handsomely. Lorcan didn't care about the reward, but he was excited to find someone like minded to himself, and maybe with their strength combined in full forms, they'd be able to accomplish great things and great suffering to all those who'd done wrong.


  • One of the only times that Lorcan is joyous is during the annual monster parade, when he's drunk and boisterous
    • he'll drink himself useless, clings to others, and truly lets go of his past
  • Lorcan is a musician - most often plays percussion and most often while he's not sober 
  • Lorcan gets bored when not thrill-seeking, and he can't do it alone. He's the type of guy who's quick to fight: "I'll hurt you before you hurt me." 
  • Bellamy can speak even without his head. His voice is airy and echoy and floats through the air. 
  • Bellamy claims to be 6'8 in his full form.
  • Bellamy loves to wrap himself around Lorcan's neck or hide in his own golden helmet that he lets Lorcan borrow (since he doesn't currently have his own head)