


5 years, 7 months ago




The magical black and white tabby cat! Uses She/her, Zhe/zhir, Fae/faer, Spark/sparkself, Moon/moonself and Rhy/thm/Rhythmself pronouns! Non-binary firecoric lesbian, around 16 to 26 moons old. Mostly seen as a lonely traveler who seems to be endlessly searching for a home and running away from something...

But Nightsong cannot escape who she truly is! The granddaughter of Scourge who had to meet the family's curse far too young, her mother tried to protect her from this destiny, but it called her, as Nightsong ventured the woods to meet the famous Warrior Cat Clans, she met the end of her life and the start of her new journey!

Will this young cat find the key to taking back the reins of her life, or will her emotions get the best of her? Making her lose control of her powers???


  • This character has been thru a lot! The more detailed backstory and some of faer art includes themes of abusive relationships, suicide attempts and trauma! Plus this is a Warrior Cats character I've had since childhood so of course the art will include cartoon blood and violence. I do not condone the indigenous stereotypes of the original series and Nightsong's story never interacts much with the original universe.


  • warm sunny days
  • wishing on shooting stars
  • listening to the birds, frogs and insects
  • the color blue
  • meeting new places and new people


  • storms
  • the full moon
  • loud noises and monsters
  • hurting others
  • confrontation


Night ran away from her home really young. She was quite the rambunctious kit, lived as a kittypet raised with tales of her the dangers of the forest and living on the streets. But the woods called for Night, and fae had places to be and things to do. So fae left. And died.

It was painful, and took too long, waking up suddenly after falling from a waterfall was not exactly pleasent either. From this point on Night's mental health is severely scarred, and being so young and so far from home it's reasonable zhe didn't know how to deal with anything going on, much less zhir new powers.

Night couldn't go home, couldn't control her feelings, and couldn't control her powers, she grew irritable so quickly and then suddenly set things on fire with her paws! This made her grow bitter, and lonely for a while, until she met Doveveil

He had too grown on tales of forest cats, but he disappointed himself a lot when he met them for real. Too ashamed to go back, he had been wandering around alone just like her. Doveveil offers Night friendship, and a fun new nickname of sorts: Nightsong. It was them against the world now.

They reach the city eventually, and Bloodclan, a bunch of bitter violent rebels. In there somehow at some point, fae learned about faer family and the curse. It all clicks, of course fae're "like that" fae're barely a cat, fae're just undead and bound to this earth to bring pain and suffering to others like faer grandfather. Nightsong is kind of scared to be there, but at the same time moon felt validated there, and safer, maybe moon could just be a violent irritable and inflamable teenager. It's not like moon was capable of being anything else after all, might as well embrace it. Doveveil was the one who enjoyed it the most, and whenever things got too scary, they protected Nightsong with all their might.

As expected however this all just makes things worse, as much as zhe told zhirself and Doveveil agreed they were free there, Nightsong was just trapping zhirself tighter and tighter in a dangerous and poisonouns mindset. Eventually, zhe snapped.

One night, in a full moon, Doveveil started a fight, and zhe got nervous, and killed the entirety of Bloodclan by accident. This includes Doveveil and zhe is devastated. Broken. He was her one true friend, and just as she was always bound to do, she ruined everything good she ever had in her life in the blink of an eye. Nightsong spent the night in vigil with Doveveil, she wanted to bury him but didn't find an adequate place to do that, so she dropped his body near the river with some of his favorite things.

Then spark left. As far as spark's legs could take spark. Traveling alone again, spark only grows more bitter and resentful of sparkself. Try as spark might, spark can't keep sparks feelings and powers deep inside in a cage. Every full moon spark loses control. Sets everything ablaze and kills whoever is on sparks way. She hates every second of it, every day of her existance, but she cannot die. So used to trying to drown herself, she just sleeps underwater now, but not even that can put out the magic flames.

Don't worry, this story has a happy ending, I haven't fleshed it out that well yet, but at somepoint Nightsong meets a cat who I'm not sure of the name yet, we'll call them Snow. Nightsong just wakes up dry one day and Snow apparently had taken care of her! Nightsong takes a while but eventually opens up to Snow, and Snow has a similar curse to Nightsong except Snow can die. It's kinda gay but just as things seem too nice! Doveveil rises from the dead! They have been searching for zhir! They blame Nightsong but now they're cursed too and they're like we're one and the same :] why do you have another friend. Things get bad, Nightsong goes into a worse emotional hole than rhy was before and they just get into a terrible and incredibly toxic relationship. Eventually uh things should get better! And Nightsong confronts Doveveil and they have an epic battle that is sad and dramatic, in it Nightsong dies for the last time and somehow is freed from the curse and from there, rhy and Snow run away together to uh somewhere cool, probably never to see Doveveil again. And they're gay and things are slowly getting better :]


  • This is my first documented Warriors fan character ever! Zhe's had so many iterations, I think this one compiles a lot of the original concepts though! And adds some new fun stuff :] I made one iteration of zhir a different character named Duskbreeze!
  • Nightsong was very used for roleplay on Feral Heart, Impressive Title BR and CatPawIsland! Often seem with blue flame on faer paws and being all sad and dramatic and stuff. Currently I'm working on a Glasmar preset for faer and have a lil Nightsong character on Feral Heart Unleashed, say hi if you see me! Accounts are autizta and Deporitaz in order.
  • Nightsong took a REALLY long time to figure out what drives faer powers, it's faer feelings, fae thought was the moon for the longest time but it was just a coincidence that it triggered traumatic memories on fae
  • Because of how often Nightsong traveled near bodies of water, rumors started growing about her and she got a few nicknames such as "The Lake's Moon-Eyes" and "Wet Freak"
  • Her mother liked to call Nightsong "her little angel"
  • Nightsong has some lykoi genes because of Scourge! Her paws, face and stomach have less fur than the rest of her body, It kind of looks like she's wearing leg warmers because of that
  • Nightsong features in Issue 3 of Clanzine! It is no longer being printed but since participating in the project my love for Nightsong came rushing all the way back!! So I developed thm a lot more since, hosted a MAProject inspired by thm, etc etc! So yeah it's all thanks to Clanzine, be sure to support Al and Laz!
