Camille Rhywoods



5 years, 7 months ago


  • Full name: Camille Rhywoods
  • Birthday: 20/09, 2205
  • Species: Dryad

Camille, despite having met and bonded with the other two heroes a lot later, is just as important to the trio as they are to each other. She is a gentle soul, and very curious about the world outside Aspen Forest. However, her typically quiet nature means she sometimes doesn't speak up about things when she really needs to.

Camille and the rest of her family's home trees make up the Aspen Woods, a large forest area outside Township. Camile first met Alice and Toby while they were wandering around the forest one summer day. She considers them to be her closest friends, and they are the only ones she has outside of the other dryads.

Like most Dryads, Camille loves nature, and has made her own private garden midway between her home tree and Township. She also plays Spaceships and StarEaters with Toby, even though she gets notoriously bad rolls... Her favorite food is apples, and she's moderately afraid of the dark.