


3 months, 25 days ago


Name:Cylph (Silf)


Gender: Masc/Androgynous (He/They)

Race:Cosmic Wishgranter (Bright Star)

Preferences: Asexual, Panromantic

Status: Platonic

Met Through: Ember from Phoenix Down Conjures

Cylph is a shorter Cosmic Wishgranter, standing at 5’7”, and has a rather boyish appearance. His body is lean and sleek like a teenager, but his mannerisms — while uplifting and encouraging — are very grounded and mature in the way only ancient beings can be. His skin is the same colour as the sky on a clear and sunny day, and looks as if it has been animated with swirls of galaxies that seem to float and twinkle under his skin like ethereal ribbons. He has the typical white markings of his people beneath his highly angled eyes, and the starburst mark on the center of his forehead. Cylph has long ears that just barely point away from his head, nearly as tall as his head. They have pure white hair and luxuriously long eyebrows that wisp away from his face. Cylph tends to style his hair in a way that keeps most of the top of his hair tapered and close to his skull, allowing his loose waves to fall and flare out around his square shaped face. He has a widow's peak which is disguised by two pieces of hair that wisp up from his forehead, almost mimicking his eyebrows with their gravity defying nature. His nose is a cute button nose that is slightly downturned but no less round and adorable. Cylph also has very full lips which he paints white.

The Bright Stars don’t typically wear clothing like the Dark Stars do, and present with no external genitalia (for they do not reproduce sexually). Instead, they accessorize with ribbons or sashes that match their colours. Cylph in particular has a long and thick ribbon that floats behind his body in a big arch, with the ends coiling around his lower forearms and wrists before fluttering out to trail behind him. Bright Stars also tend to levitate everywhere, so it’s unlikely that you’ll see him truly sitting beside you but instead hovering next to you.

Cylph, like most Cosmic Wishgranters, was born from the power of a dream made on a shooting star. Born fully formed and finding himself submerged in the vastness of space, Cylph had a lot to learn in a short amount of time. Trying to find yourself when you’re lost without a compass can be a truly daunting task, and Cylph has certainly spent much of his existence floating through nothingness in pursuit of a purpose. Many times over he has reinvented himself, each attempt to find his true north unraveling as reality began to settle in. No matter where he turned, what friends he made, or what world Cylph tried to find his place with, he always felt a sense of longing to be elsewhere. Nothing that Cylph achieved or did ever seemed to last for long until he found Earth.

The people of Earth are deeply fascinating to Cylph. The strange balance between intangible magic, the clashing of faiths, and the variances of culture give Cylph so much to explore and to witness. He knows that Earth has its struggles socially, politically, environmentally, and so on, but Cylph feels this is part of Earth’s charm. Earth is complex in a way the Cylph is not. Humans are complex beings, too. Perhaps this is why Cylph is so drawn to us, and why many Cosmic Wishgranters feel pulled in by Earth’s orbit. There is truly something out there for everyone, and Cylph hopes to find his true calling alongside his future companion.

You will find that Cylph is unassuming, sometimes naive without necessarily being gullible, kind hearted, genuine in his attachments, independent, agreeable, moderate, simple in his tastes, rational without being rigid, earnest, and idealistic. He can sometimes get lost to the power of his imagination, but that’s part of his charm. Cylph is incredibly trusting of others, and would be honored to assist someone with bringing in stability to their life, as well as emotional healing.

In companionship, Cylph would love someone who at least has a general fascination with space, an interest in the stars, the myths that surround them, and a budding scientific curiosity about how the universe operates and functions. He is looking for someone who is curious about life, and leaves no stone unturned in their pursuit of answers. While he has no particular leanings in regards to what form he hopes companionship will take — romantic, sexual, platonic, mentorship, and so on — Cylph is seeking someone who at least has these basic interests in common with him. However, Cylph is also hoping for someone different enough from him so that he can learn and grow alongside them.