


3 months, 25 days ago


To become stardust

" am a great admirer of mystery and magic. Look at this life - all mystery and magic."

— Harry Houdini

› Name

› Pronounced

› Race

Cat Shifter
› Gender

› Pronouns

› Zodiac

› Age

48 (as of '24)
› Height

› Sexuality

› Orientation

› Status



  • rutilated quartz
  • sage, rosemary & basil scents
  • plum & blackberry wine
  • kitchen sink soups & stews
  • meditating


  • thanklessness
  • overbearing people
  • lack of compassion
  • those who are quick to judge
  • people who dislike black cats






Yorrick is fully self-sufficient, living on a small property in a clearing smack in the center of a deciduous woodland. He has shelves stuffed with grimoires and books on magical theory, even a few spellbooks shoved into his kitchen cupboards. He takes time each morning to commune with the Earth, and grows all his own produce in the lush garden out back, getting mushrooms and supplemental berries and nuts by foraging in the surrounding area. He boils his water from the nearby river and preserves his garlic in dried braids hung on the walls, one of his many instances of home decor. Yorrick is living the cottagecore witch dream, but he struggles with the loneliness of being a hut hermit. He is introverted, but he still craves social interaction, enjoying a nice chat with someone who can match his intelligence level or discuss common interests. He loves to customize his space and be creative with his craft, often designing sigils and working them into his protective wards and gardening. He’s especially proud of his herb garden, which has dark and light colored plants arranged to form a sigil designed for health and growth.

The Alternate Earth he’s from, Earth-Antiquus, is far in the past comparable to our technology levels. While most people in this world have command over magic, Yorrick is assumed to have darker, eviler magic just because of his reclusive, independent lifestyle, and is either turned away from local towns or treated with haste and disdain.

Because of his situation, he doesn’t date, he doesn’t make friends, and even when townsfolk approach him for remedies, he gives them what they need but doesn’t show himself. He doesn’t want to put anyone else in danger by fraternizing, and he certainly doesn’t want the commune to find him because he was simply too nice.

Yorrick has picked up a ton of skills in his years as a practitioner. Even though he’s relatively young (at least in comparison to his lifespan), he’s experienced and has a great bedside manner that helps to put his clients at ease. He used to participate in a lot of exercises with his fellow mages at the commune, learning energy work and astral travel, performing healing on each other. He is actually great at manipulating energy, and particularly talented at stimulating the third eye - often. Where he lacks in social interaction, he deeply desires connections with others, so he enjoys sharing his strengths and abilities with trusted friends.

In companionship, you may find that Yorrick is a bit shy at first, but he’s a huge softie and will open up to individuals as he gets closer to them with time. He’s interested in mentoring someone, but the feeling of community and friendship comes first for him, and he’d like to focus on that first and foremost. He’s a busy person, working to earn his keep in the most literal sense, but Yorrick has a lot of free time and room to meditate and think. You can expect him to peek in rather often, and especially to come to large family gatherings excited and bearing a bottle of homemade elderberry wine.

Overview | Miscellaneous

In his human form, Yorrick stands at about 5’11”, with a toned body type in line with someone who does a lot of physical labor. Because of the rate at which shifters age in his world, Yorrick looks a little more like he’s in his late 20’s instead of his mid 40’s. His skin is medium brown, with a smooth complexion and general ethnic features that are reminiscent of an Indian person in our world. He has a diamond-shaped face with a pointed chin and prominent cheekbones, and somewhat sunken-in cheeks. His nose is long and elegant, with a hooked shape, and he has bow-shaped lips that are a slightly darker and pinker shade than the rest of his skin. His eyes are a vivid orange color. His hair is very dark brown, nearly black, with some reddish undertones, which is sleek and shiny with a medium weight to the texture. He has it grown long, to about his shoulders, and it has a slight wave to it. He sometimes tries to tie it back into a tiny bun or ponytail.

In his feline form, Yorrick appears as a black short haired house cat. He has black paw pads, except for his back right paw pad, which is speckled in pink. He retains his large orange eyes in this form. He often switches back and forth between his two forms comfortably.

In truth, Yorrick once studied in a commune of mages who performed experimentation on living organisms. He decided it was time to pack his things and go when he realized that with his promotions, he was experimenting on more and more sentient beings - the last straw, of course, being fellow humanoids. He can be pretty morally gray, but he didn’t feel like what they were doing was safe, and the ends were not worth the means. Unfortunately for him, it turned out the commune of mages was more like a dangerous cult, and leaving meant he was very much at risk from physical attack or even death. After bouncing around from town to town for an exhausting couple of years, he decided to settle down in an abandoned cabin in the woods. It’s worked out for him so far, although realistically he hopes to one day be forgotten by the commune and rejoin society.

Still, the desperate often approach him for things they cannot live without - abortion syrups, antibacterial poultices, poisons for abusive spouses. While the medics in town certainly have good remedies for illness and injury, they charge a pretty penny, where Yorrick has more than he could ever need and gives away his concoctions. Local townsfolk have a rumor passed only in whispers. “If you need something from the hermit, go to his hut, where you will meet a black cat, his familiar. Give the cat a gift - whether a bottle of milk, a meal, a warm blanket - and return in three days. Your remedy will be waiting.” Don’t mind the fact that Earth-Antiquus is populated almost entirely by shifters - the legend is so specific, and the requests so scandalous, that people just don’t think twice about if the cat is Yorrick himself.

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