Redd Lillian



1 month, 1 day ago


Redd Lillian


Name Redd Lillian
Pronouns He/Him
Age 46
Species Caster
Residence Lucens
Height 5'8''
Sexuality Bi
Theme Unknown


  • Honest
  • Compassionate
  • Untrusting


  • His Wife and Daughter
  • Justice
  • Ballroom Dancing

King of Lucens, Redd makes sure to be a just and caring ruler. Valuing honestly and integrity, he is the kind to always admit when he's wrong, and to value the correct answer over who was right.



When he turned 21, his parents started pushing him to look for a spouse. They gathered 'viable' 18-20 year old women to try and match him with. He thought maybe if he entertained this shenanigans for a bit that maybe they'd give up, but they didn't, and he ended up leaving the castle for about a month. This was when he met Rheta, a wonderful woman who he fell for quickly. She was a decade older than him, which he didn't mind, but she was embarassed when she realised the gap. Regardless, Redd's parents reluctantly allowed it, after making sure Redd wasn't being taken advantage of.


Becoming King was a simple process, his parents simply retired, and Redd and Rheta took over. Raine was later born when Redd was 25, and Redd made sure to try and raise Raine to be kind, yet stern and self-assured. He hated dealing with politics, and when the rulers of Fidem pushed the idea of Derian and Raine being betrothed when Raine was 13, he agreed just to get them off his back, noting that if there were any problems, he'd tell them to shove off without hesitation. Derian moved into the castle, and he seemed like a good kid. Raine showed no signs of distress over the years and said that things were fine whenever asked, so Redd is reluctantly okay with the situation. For now.

Not Chosen, Just People

Redd and Rheta took a carriage and went on a trip to Fidem, with a few stops on the way, one stop including the place they had their honeymoon. They're spending some time out, and Redd more than trusts Raine to take care of Lucens while they're gone.


  • In the original Modern London RP, Redd was a cop. He was a pretty good one who'd immediately oust any cop that was being a dick, trying to keep his area of the police force as clean as he could. But he was a protective father who didn't much like Quint, fair enough, Quint had a record in that RP.
  • Trivia Point



Rheta [ Wife ]

Rheta and Redd make a good pair. Redd admired her values and morals, along with her integrity as a lawyer. She seemed genuine about seeking out the truth, rather than focusing purely on winning her cases, which matched his own values. When they were married, Redd made sure to insist that she not quit her job unless she wanted to, the last thing he wanted to do was to keep her from the work she loved. Despite the 10 year age gap, they were often on the same wavelength, and whenever they weren't, well, Rheta was always better at communication skills, but they always worked things out.


Raine [ Daughter ]

Raine was wonderful to raise, and Redd is sure she'll make an excellent Queen when he time comes. Whenever he was doing smaller jobs that he knew were safe, he would entertain her nagging about wanting to come along and see what he does. He regrets that she saw a bit too much of his work through this after a few incidents of being dragged into less pleasant work while already being out with Raine alongside him. The moment she almost got injured- something almost falling on her head at a crime scene- he stopped bringing her along, despite her continued nagging. He couldn't be prouder of her, she's smart, and strong-willed, and determined. She'll be an excellent Queen.