Ambra the Mermaid



5 years, 9 months ago



Art Made by 

Lawful Good


CUrious • thoughtful • naive • loyal

Ambra is the youngest princess of Oceania. For most of her life, she's yearned to explore outside of her kingdom and learn exactly why she was taught to hate those on land. Throughout her adventures, she befriends two octopus, a living manifestation of seaweed, and even a sea dragon. Despite her overprotective family, nothing has stopped her curiosity and it only grows once she meets a fisherman by the name of Xilan...

During her adventures with Xilan to find her older brother, Ambra will learn a lot more about her herself than she expected, especially what it means to find that special someone in that life you may never want to leave. 


  • Seashells
  • Octopus 
  • Flowers
  • The Ocean
  • Shrimp (Favorite Food)
  • Treasure Hunting
  • Her older brother
  • Seafood


  • Poachers
  • Being Lied To
  • Coffee
  • Witches
"I took a vow to myself to never speak...not after what happen. I want nothing more than to have my brother back and to say his name again for the first time in years..."


Ambra is the second born child of the kingdom of Oceania. During the times of her childhood, she was taught to never venture too close to the surface, as she may be kidnapped by those who may want to sell her for a quick profit. While she didn't understand it, she did as she was told and spent a majority of her childhood playing around with her older brother. On her 15th birthday, she happened to swim too close to the surface while chasing a small fish, causing a group of fisherman to pursue her. Just as she was about to get caught, her brother swiftly pushed her out the way, getting caught himself. After this experience, the kingdom went into a frenzy and Ambra's travelling days were tarnished. The kingdom wasn't the same without the young prince and Ambra vowed an oath of silence until this day.

As the years have passed, Ambra's curiosity and thirst for adventure only grew stronger as she felt her brother was still alive. As she still caries her vow, she continues to search for clues with the help of her octopus friends on where her brother may be. After being found out by one of the guards, her hopes are nearly shattered until Lydia tells her about a sea witch as a last ditch effort to help. Although she meets the sea witch and takes a while to full accept the plan, Ambra eventually gives in and decides to work with the sea witch. This results in her taking a potion that allows her to walk on land for a certain amount of days before her identity as a mermaid is revealed. Through the help of a strange cat named Xilan, Ambra's quest to find her brother continues. While spending time with him, she eventually falls in love with him and ponders on what exactly she should do. Through more trials and tribulations, she manages to reunite with her older brother and confesses her feelings for Xilan. 


• Ambra's design was originally created by @Phantasmagor-ia. She was considered to be part of the closed species created by the owner but has been changed.

• In her mortal form, Ambra has freckles all over her legs.

• The highlights in her hair are completely natural. 

• In both land and mermaid form, she has sharp claws and teeth in order to defend herself and tear flesh off of food. 

• In both land and mermaid form, her ears are extremely sensitive. She could still potentially hear noises such as dolphin calls when she's on the surface. 


• Some aspects of Ambra's story is inspired from The Little Mermaid.

• The head piece she wears was a gift from her brother. She rarely takes it off as it gives her hope that he's still alive. 

• Despite her intelligence, she is still quite naive and gullible to those around her. 

• Her favorite companions are her small octopus friends. She met them while travelling some deep sea trenches and was saved by them on occasions. 

• She loves she really loves shrimp. 

• During her time on land, the learns the love of dancing. 




The first man Ambra meets on land and her love interest. While initially weary of him due to what she was taught, she eventually grows close to cat, wanting to learn more about him as time goes on. 



One of the few dragons of the Mythical Realm Ambra knows. The two dated for a short amount of time but broke up due to his excessive flirting with other mermaids and dragons. She still cares for him but does get visibly annoyed with him when he flirts with Juliette.



One of Ambra's best friends and closest confidants. The two didn't get to see each other as much while Juliette was an apprentice, but now that she lives in Oceania, the two are inseparable. Juliette is one of the few people who really understands Ambra's sense for adventure and curiosity. She still tries to keep her in line though. 



To be determined...

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