Dog adopt (closed)'s Comments

Привет. Может быть кто-нибудь приглянется?

В том числе она 

Все думала, но откажу :0 нынешняя денежная ставка приоритетнее 

Waaaa I love ur design smmm TvT!! Does anyone in my th interest u? :'0

Sorry, didn't find any for myself qwq

Does anyone here potentially interest you

No, sorry :<

Anyone in my th only off limits are no touch and some of them in closed species 

No, didn’t find anything for myself, sorry :0

Hey hey!! I hope you're doing well! I'm so sorry to bother you!! 

Could I interest you in anyone here for them? >w<

[ A bit tentative on him] 

I’m not bad ^^ and you’re not bothering me
yet I don’t think I’ll be ready to trade on them, sorry :0

anyone here interest you? :0

i can do 90 if not!

No sorry qwq 

Ah okay!! I can offer $100 then!

$140 offer above :0

aaa i don't know if you are still interested in this nyaruhodo kitty i offered for your other adopt but could i offer it for them instead/as well? (in case you choose another offer for the white kitty asdasfsaf)

Ooh, I will think of it!:0 it’s just I still deciding on the cat one

Aaa okay! just in case could i maybe change my offer for the doggy here instead? im just weak to dog characters with a floppy ears lol

Ah if you want :0 it’s just I have more prioritised offer on dog while I was thinking of accepting your offer on cat озо

aa okay-- then could i perhaps offer this other nyao design + $35usd instead for the doggy? (in case they interest you)

So for the cat it's still relevant then? озо And no, sorry, that other nyao design doesn't interest me qwq

7 Replies

Idk if anyone here interests you or not but you can look around on the rest of my profile, might say no to some though

Otherwise $80 :3

No one interested me, sorry qwq
understood about the bid though

There’s a bid of 100 above

They're super pretty! >~<

Thank you >w<

I dunno if you'd be interested in these but I have these two ocs >~<

They’re cute but not really my type, sorry qq

sorry, but nobody interestet qwq 

Would anyone in unsorted or sell/trade interest you?

No, sorry, nobody interested :0

No worries thank you for looking