MWINS ('Forever Stranded')



3 years, 6 months ago


This profile is a mess of a wip. I f

Bound to crash land multiple times on multiple planets. A stray member of a ship, now lost in the vast void of stars and spheres.
His goal is to survive, rebuild and move one, hoping to one day go back to . . . where again?

"I don't remember anything of my past.
But sometimes I get flashes of what I believe were my life, I can't make out what there was.
I sometimes make myself believe that my dreams were my past, all made out of a void of scattered memories. Things may not even be true the way I believe, but who is there to prove me wrong?
I am here stranded alone, possibly even stranded forever.
And if I die here, these memories will be lost either way."

"We seemed like we were close together here. I even found it placed close to my heart.
Sometimes, I wonder how things were before. It looks like they had fun.
It sometimes upsets me that I don't know who they are or what they meant to me.
Something that seemed so important to me before now means nothing to me, but I will cherish and keep this photo either way.
Make up stories of them together, imagine how things used to be.
My lost past."

"It seems to be a problem, if things keep up this way.
They keep jambling around, as if I am reliving my experiences here multiple times.
This is my first time here.
But why does if feel like I have been here multiple times, crashed here multiple times, lived and died here multiple times?
These memories feel so real, but they are fake.
My mind is a mess, and always will be, throwing together whatever it finds, hoping for it to make sense."

"It's all pointless.
Just move forward, you can't trust what you believe you did.
Just follow the manual, follow the script."