Mira Phineas



5 years, 8 months ago


Mira is a Talosian, a kind of robotic android. She's currently "shelled" in an old combat model and was only recently woken up from a 30+ year-long stasis. The person who woke her up was the mysterious "artificial being activist" Aya, who tasked her with finding and "containing" Animids (a new kind of artificial human that is completely organic and capable of using magic). Naturally, she's bitter about being used as a tool for an unclear purpose and kept in an outdated body that is missing key functions of modern Talosians (eating, sleeping, etc.).

[From here down, it's mostly in the "future" from her most common timeline, but she can be taken from these canon points if you'd like.]

When patrolling the city, she encountered Sephira, a newly-instated Animid who was fighting against the Malfuncts, blobby glitch monsters that the Animids were created to fight. She initially took an aggressive stance towards Sephira, but when it became clear that Sephira didn't even understand why anyone who wasn't a Malfunct would want to target her, Mira backed down. Sephira didn't seem like a threat, and that led her to question the orders she had been given. She confronted Aya, but didn't get very far.

From then on, she met Sephira a few times in secret, talking with her about various topics and learning more about her. She was able to inform Sephira of a raid on ArTech (the company that made them both) that Aya would lead, and together they drove off the attackers. Aya disappeared for a time after the raid, and Mira began to investigate certain gaps in her memory and odd "visions" she was having. Eventually, the truth came to light: Mira was originally shelled in a younger, socially-geared unit, and had a "sister" unit named Rita who researched the Malfuncts. One day, a tragic accident resulted in Rita being killed, and the simulated trauma from witnessing the incident caused Mira's memories to corrupt. She was promptly re-shelled into her current form as part of a cover-up, and the truth was buried.

Everything seems to have gone quiet for now, though Mira wonders when Aya will resurface, and how Sephira is coping with life that seems to new to her.